TODAY’S GOALS Conduct beginning of class debates
DEBATE MODIFICATIONS! After both sides of the issue have presented their arguments, a specific and contemporary issue related to the topic will be presented to the group You will be asked to provide a solution or defend your position based on this problem/situation presented You will have 3 minutes to prepare Each side will have 2 minutes to make their case with the pro side going first
DEBATE STRUCTURE The pro-group for each issue will open the topic and introduce their first speaking point to prove their argument. They will have 90 seconds to speak. The opposing group will then have 90 seconds to refute and bring up their speaking point. This will proceed back and forth until each group member has spoken at least once After the main speaking points have been covered, the final 2 minute session will begin where each side will have the opportunity to speak on the contemporary issue presented today The two groups not taking place in the current discussion will judge and vote for the winning side.
DEBATE GRADING SYSTEM Arguments 40% One distinct speaking point per student Utilize all rhetorical appeals Arguments are rhetorically sound Propose a solution(s) Counterarguments 30% Did the group take advantage of any rhetorical weak points? At least three different counterargument should be made Time Management 10% Are all speaking points adequately explained? Individual Participation 10% Groupwork 10% How well coordinated is the group? Do speaking points overlap?
DEBATE JUDGING AND VOTING Write out: 1.Your name 2.Your group topic 3.Your side on the group topic 4.The group and side that you are voting for (based on which side you think presented the most effective argument)
FINAL PROBLEM- ANIMAL TESTING Let us consider the hypothetical situation of Dr. Erickson. Dr. Erikson works for a pharmaceutical company that has been developing treatments and potential cures for Alzheimer’s disease for the past decade. Over the past few months, she has made significant breakthroughs and almost has a working version of her Alzheimer’s cure However, now the drug must enter the testing phase before it can be approved, and Dr. Erikson must decide how to proceed. Because the drug works on living brain tissue, it is not possible to use synthetic subjects; only live test subjects will do. She estimates that cats or dogs would be the ideal test subjects aside from humans. Testing the drug would require over a thousand (or more) different animal subjects to be given painful injection directly into their skulls. Many might die as a result of the medication, and others would certainly develop neurological problems. However, due to their shorter lifespans, the drug could be read for humans in less than five years. Alternatively, Dr. Erikson could attempt a trial involving one hundred human subjects. The process would be just as painful although probably less lethal to human test subjects. Unfortunately, this testing would be much longer and would easily take years, in which may more patients would develop Alzheimer’s worldwide and many others who already have the disease would perish. Should Dr. Erikson test her new drug on humans or animals? How much pain or discomfort can we reasonably subject animals to for medical research? What is ‘too much’? In terms of pain, discomfort, and potential loss of life, how many animal lives should we equate with human lives in this scenario?
FINAL PROBLEM- MINIMUM WAGE Let us consider the theoretical situation of the Henderson Proposition The Henderson Proposition represents a federal movement to increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour The proposition is expected to pass in the next two months, and although it is certainly something that will effect the private sector, there are concerns for the federal and state budgets as well. The state of Florida’s budget must be changed to accommodate these changes as many of the employees are making below the current changes. It is estimated that this will increase the state budget by $5 million per year Who should be responsible for this increase in the budget: the state’s spending or the federal government? If the state, where would this money come from in the state budget: K-12 education, higher education, public assistance, Medicaid, corrections, or transportation? Where would this money come from in the federal budget?
HOMEWORK; Classical argument second draft 750+ words 4+ sources Should include your introduction, thesis, forecasting, and several body paragraphs