Electromagnetism INEL 4152 CH 9 Sandra Cruz-Pol, Ph. D. ECE UPRM Mayag ü ez, PR
In summary Stationary Charges Steady currents Time-varying currents Electrostatic fields Magnetostatic fields Electromagnetic (waves!) Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM
Outline Faraday’s Law & Origin of emag Maxwell Equations explain waves Phasors and Time Harmonic fields Maxwell eqs for time-harmonic fields Maxwell eqs for time-harmonic fields
Faraday’s Law 9.2
Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM Electricity => Magnetism In 1820 Oersted discovered that a steady current produces a magnetic field while teaching a physics class. This is what Oersted discovered accidentally:
Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM Would magnetism would produce electricity? Eleven years later, and at the same time, (Mike) Faraday in London & (Joe) Henry in New York discovered that a time-varying magnetic field would produce an electric current!
Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM Electromagnetics was born! This is Faraday’s Law - the principle of motors, hydro-electric generators and transformers operation. *Mention some examples of em waves
Faraday’s Law For N =1 and B =0 Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM
Transformer & Motional EMF 9.3
Three ways B can vary by having… 1. A stationary loop in a t-varying B field 2. A t-varying loop area in a static B field 3. A t-varying loop area in a t-varying B field Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM
1. Stationary loop in a time-varying B field Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM
2. Time-varying loop area in a static B field Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM
3. A t-varying loop area in a t-varying B field Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM
Transformer Example Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM
Displacement Current, J d 9.4
Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM Maxwell noticed something was missing… And added J d, the displacement current I S2S2 S1S1 L At low frequencies J>>J d, but at radio frequencies both terms are comparable in magnitude.
Maxwell’s Equation in Final Form 9.4
Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM Summary of Terms E = electric field intensity [V/m] D = electric field density H = magnetic field intensity, [A/m] B = magnetic field density, [Teslas] J = current density [A/m 2 ]
Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM Maxwell Equations in General Form Differential form Integral Form Gauss’s Law for E field. Gauss’s Law for H field. Nonexistence of monopole Faraday’s Law Ampere’s Circuit Law
Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM Maxwell’s Eqs. Also the equation of continuity Maxwell added the term to Ampere’s Law so that it not only works for static conditions but also for time-varying situations. This added term is called the displacement current density, while J is the conduction current. This added term is called the displacement current density, while J is the conduction current.
Relations & B.C. Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM
 Time Varying Potentials 9.6
We had defined Electric Scalar & Magnetic Vector potentials: Related to B as: To find out what happens for time-varying fields Substitute into Faraday’s law: Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM
Electric & Magnetic potentials: If we take the divergence of E : We have: Taking the curl of: & add Ampere’s we get Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM
Electric & Magnetic potentials: If we apply this vector identity We end up with Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM
Electric & Magnetic potentials: We use the Lorentz condition: To get: and: Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM Which are both wave equations.
 Time Harmonic Fields Phasors Review 9.7
Time Harmonic Fields Definition: is a field that varies periodically with time. Ex. Sinusoid Ex. Sinusoid Let’s review Phasors! Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM
Phasors & complex #’s Working with harmonic fields is easier, but requires knowledge of phasor, let’s review complex numbers and phasors
Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM COMPLEX NUMBERS: Given a complex number z where
Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM Review: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Square Root, Complex Conjugate
Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM For a Time-varying phase Real and imaginary parts are:
Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM PHASORS For a sinusoidal current equals the real part of The complex term which results from dropping the time factor is called the phasor current, denoted by ( The complex term which results from dropping the time factor is called the phasor current, denoted by (s comes from sinusoidal)
Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM Advantages of phasors Time derivative in time is equivalent to multiplying its phasor by j Time integral is equivalent to dividing by the same term.
Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM How to change back from Phasor to time domain The phasor is 1. multiplied by the time factor, e j t, 2. and taken the real part.
 Time Harmonic Fields 9.7
Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM Time-Harmonic fields (sines and cosines) The wave equation can be derived from Maxwell equations, indicating that the changes in the fields behave as a wave, called an electromagnetic wave or field. Since any periodic wave can be represented as a sum of sines and cosines (using Fourier), then we can deal only with harmonic fields to simplify the equations.
Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM Maxwell Equations for Harmonic fields (phasors) Differential form* Gauss’s Law for E field. Gauss’s Law for H field. No monopole Faraday’s Law Ampere’s Circuit Law * (substituting and )
Ex. Given E, find H E = E o cos( t- z) a x Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM
Ex In free space, Find k, J d and H using phasors and Maxwells eqs. Recall: Cruz-Pol, Electromagnetics UPRM