Classical Electrodynamics Jingbo Zhang Harbin Institute of Technology
Chapter 1 Classical Electrodynamics Section 3 Electrodynamics
Jingbo Zhang Section 3 EletrodynamicsChapter 1 Aug 26, 2004 Classical Electrodynamics Review In last two sections, we obtained two set vector partial differential equations for electrostatics and magnetostatics, respectively. They seam to be the independent theories.
Jingbo Zhang Section 3 EletrodynamicsChapter 1 Aug 26, 2004 Classical Electrodynamics 1 Electric Charge Conservation Law Electric charge is conserved and electric current is a transport of electric charge. The electric charge conservation law can be formulated in the equation of continuity, It means that the time rate of change of electric charge density is balanced by a divergence in the electric current density.
Jingbo Zhang Section 3 EletrodynamicsChapter 1 Aug 26, 2004 Classical Electrodynamics 2 Maxwell’s Displacement Current In magnetostatics, we got the source equation for magnetic field, In the case, we used the condition of stationary currents, However, in general case of non-stationary sources and fields, we must follow the equation of continuity,
Jingbo Zhang Section 3 EletrodynamicsChapter 1 Aug 26, 2004 Classical Electrodynamics Maxwell’s source equation for time-varying field The second term on the right side, is so-called Maxwell’s displacement current. The real current j(t,x) represent the density of electric current, including conduction current, polarisation current and magnetisation current. The displacement current behaves like a current in vacuum. It predicts the existence of electromagnetic radiation.
Jingbo Zhang Section 3 EletrodynamicsChapter 1 Aug 26, 2004 Classical Electrodynamics Symmetric Discussion III First time broken ElectrostaticsMagnetostatics
Jingbo Zhang Section 3 EletrodynamicsChapter 1 Aug 26, 2004 Classical Electrodynamics 3 Faraday’s Law of Induction Ohm’s Law and Electromovtive Force Under certain physical conditions, and for certain materials, there is a linear relationship between the current density and electric Field, where,is the electric conductivity. The electromotive force is defined by Thus, we have
Jingbo Zhang Section 3 EletrodynamicsChapter 1 Aug 26, 2004 Classical Electrodynamics For static electric field is conservative field, the closed line integral for it is vanished. Faraday’s Law the non-conservation EMF field is produced in a closed circuit if the magnetic flux through this circuit varies with time.
Jingbo Zhang Section 3 EletrodynamicsChapter 1 Aug 26, 2004 Classical Electrodynamics
Jingbo Zhang Section 3 EletrodynamicsChapter 1 Aug 26, 2004 Classical Electrodynamics 4 Maxwell’s Equations Microscopic Maxwell’s equations relate ρ and j to the fields. with the initial and boundary conditions, the four vector partial differential Equations completely determine the electric and magnetic fields. In the equations, ρ is the total electric charge density, free and induced charges. And j is the total electric currents, i.e. conduction currents and atomistic currents.
Jingbo Zhang Section 3 EletrodynamicsChapter 1 Aug 26, 2004 Classical Electrodynamics Macroscopic The microscopic field equtions provide a correct classical picture for fields and source distributions. It is useful to introduce new derived fields for the macroscopic, in which the material properties are already included.