How to Save a Life Because everyone matters
Overall Rates Suicide is the 11 th leading cause of death in Georgia. In the U.S., an average of 1 suicide is committed every 15 minutes. There are an average of 9.5 attempts made daily in Georgia. In the U.S., it is estimated that for every 1 suicide, there are 25 attempts.
Attention Getting Facts Suicide is the 3 rd leading cause of death among year olds. Males are over 4 times as likely to commit suicide as females. Whites are nearly 3 times as likely to commit suicide as blacks. 2/3 rds of suicides are completed by the use of firearms. Youth are the highest age group for attempts but the lowest for completion. As many as 3 students per classroom have attempted suicide in the past year. *One male and two females.
Suicide is NOT about death People who are suicidal suffer from overwhelming feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and/or worthlessness. Young people who think about suicide don't want to die; they want to find an end to the incredible emotional turmoil and pain they feel.
Risk Factors Depression, anxiety and related mood disorders Alcohol and other substance use Impulsive and/or aggressive tendencies History of trauma, abuse or victimization Major physical illnesses Previous suicide attempt Family history of suicide Hopelessness Recent Crisis
Wellness The truth is that most suicidal individuals get better.
Protective Factors: Sources of Strength
How Can A Friend Help? C onnect the person to a supportive trusted adult. A ccept and listen to what they say and take them seriously. R espond if a person has a plan to attempt suicide and stay with the person until their immediate crisis is over or until help is available. E mpower the person to call a helpline and involve other sources of strength.
Change Your Whole School
Warning Signals Looking for ways to kill one’s self by seeking access to firearms, available pills or other means. Talking or writing about death, dying or suicide when these actions are out of character. Expressing rage or uncontrolled anger or seeking revenge. Acting reckless or engaging in risky activities. Feeling trapped like there is no way out. Increasing alcohol or drug use. Withdrawing from friends, family and no longer showing an interest in once pleasurable activities. Experiencing dramatic mood swings. Threatening or talking about wanting to hurt or kill one’s self. Seeing no reason for living or having no sense of purpose in life. Giving away cherished personal items to others.
Peers + Positive Adults = PREVENTION POWER
National Resources
Local Resources In our school…… School counselors are available. In our community…… CSB of Middle GA Child and Adolescent Program 2121 – Bellevue Road Building # 4 (478) (478) after hours crisis
The Suicide Prevention Coalition of Dublin-Laurens would like to extend a special thanks to Adam Lesser, Garrett Lee Smith Youth Suicide Prevention Project Director, in cooperation with Lisa Montford, Child and Adolescent Coordinator, CSB of Middle GA, for the development of this presentation.