1 Democracy and Education Fred Schultz Notable Selections In Education
2 Democracy and Education John Dewey Education and andDemocracy
3 Democracy and Education
6 In his books Dewey outlined his views on how education could improve society. As the founder of the progressive education movement, Dewey argued that it was the job of education to encourage individuals to develop their full potential as human beings.
7 Democracy and Education Dewey was especially critical of the rote learning of facts in schools and argued that children should learn by experience. In this way students would not just gain knowledge but would also develop skills, habits, and attitudes necessary for them to solve a wide variety of problems.
8 Democracy and Education Social Change? Three Paths Three Paths
9 Democracy and Education 1. Ignore social change 2. Select newer, scientific, and Cultural directions. Cultural directions. 3. Become intelligently “conservative.” “conservative.”
10 Democracy and Education Are the schools of This century still facing the Same concerns ?
11 Democracy and Education Dewey: Citizens must be committed To democratic ideals If they are to pursue Democratic social ends?
12 Democracy and Education Dewey & Zakaria: Citizens must be committed… Are these conditions present in third world countries?
13 Democracy and Education Dewey: Our public schools must be founded for equality of opportunity for all.
14 Democracy and Education Formulate an argument that educators inevitably influence the course of societal change in some direction.
15 Democracy and Education How can democracy, as a Social idea guide educators in The development of social policy ?
16 Democracy and Education How should educators Decide which social changes and issues to address ?
17 Democracy and Education I.L. Kandel Conflicting Theories ofEducation
18 Democracy and Education ISAAC LEON KANDEL ( )
19 Democracy and Education Born in Romania of British parents, he received his early education United Kingdom, along with his bachelor’s and master’s degrees, & his Ph.D. degree at Teachers College, Columbia University.
20 Democracy and Education Diane Ravich Education systems do not operate in a vacuum. They are intertwined inextricably with other social and political institutions and very often can best be comprehended by examining the historical, cultural, political, social and economic environments and contexts.
21 Democracy and Education Kandel was critical of The child centered Progressive schools Of the 1930’s
22 Democracy and Education 22 Dewey: Controversial Issues Kandel: Thinking skills
23 Democracy and Education 23 Can teachers teach about controversyWithout Displaying bias?
24 Democracy and Education Schools must encourage Intellectual sensitivity and acceptance of diversity of opinion. 24
25 Democracy and Education 25 Jonathan Kozol Savage Inequalities: Children in America’s Schools
26 Democracy and Education 26
27 Democracy and Education 27
28 Democracy and Education 28
29 Democracy and Education Social inequality in American schools has grown worse in recent years. 29
30 Democracy and Education Teacher in Boston In 1964: Fired for teaching LangstonHughes 30
31 Democracy and Education What can be done To assist Children of poverty? 31
32 Democracy and Education Have our schools Improved since the 1960’s? 32
33 Democracy and Education What of the Health problems Of urban students? 33
34 Democracy and Education 34 School finance?
35 Democracy and Education Why should we view the quality Of lives of children as a matter of national conscience? 35