Principal’s Report December 7 th 2015
Review: EQAO/OSSLT OSSLT 71% success rate Cohort data 6-10:Results improved by 9.2% EQAO Math Applied: 71%Academic: 75% Cohort data 6-9: Applied: Results improved by 47% Academic: Results improved by 15%
Capture Rate Provincially Private: 1,000 schools 110,000 students attend private schools Around 5.4% of all students Most are religious schools Only 25% of faculty are qualified teachers Homeschooled: 5,000 Ontario students Around 0.2% of all students Very few instructors are qualified teachers
Capture Rate Provincially continued… Public schools 5,000 schools 2,015,000 students attend public schools Around 94% of all students 100% of faculty are qualified teachers
Capture Rate UCDSB/Mississippi Mills 53% of school age children living in the UCDSB catchment attend UCDSB schools in Kindergarten 58% of school age children living in the Mississippi Mills catchment attend UCDSB schools in Kindergarten
Capture Rate Almonte DHS Parents living in Mississippi Mills have 9 different high schools to choose from. The following are the % who chose Almonte DHS: Gr % Gr. 9-58% Gr. 7-68% Other area school for which we have data: Gr. 9-58% Gr. 7-52%
Budget History: 2 years ago we were spending over $200,000 Budget was $165,000 We owed $5,000 a year on textbook loan We had an additional $12,000 debt from previous year Easy math: $148,000 to spend and spending was over $200,000 Made changes to how money is spent at ADHS Resulted in Balanced budget last year and more resources in classes
Budget Last Year: $165,348 This Year: $152,594 -$12,754 Reduce spending on: Photocopying and Printing (Still spent over $ last year) -$10,000 Secondary extra-curricular (supposed to be revenue neutral, still spending $17,000 plus OT) -$3,000 Increase spending on: Instructional supplies and resources for students. Leverage outside revenue sources and additional savings from school budget line for management and school services.
Budget Continued… School Council budget $1,889