Spider s
They called it the Flower Spider because you find them in flowers. It does not do webs.Also they walk like crabs. They eat harmful insects. Flower Spiders belong to the Family Thomisidae,one of the most colourful and attractive spider families.
They have 8 eyes.Some of the eyes are green and others yellow. They are busy all day.They do not spin webs.
They call it Crab Spider because it runs sideways like a crab.It looks like a crab. They are always looking for something to eat.
The nursery spider has eight eyes and eight legs. The Nursery Spider can have over 200 eggs!!! The Nursery Spider is a relative of the Wolf Spider.
Orb Weavers Spiders are found in Australia. They have trouble walking on anything but webs. Orb weavers have 8 eyes.
They are less than two centimeters. The Jumping Spider has four pairs of eyes. They hunt during day light.
They call it the Wolf Spider because they are are furry. Also they are hunters. They are friendly to people. They are large and dark.
They call it the Barn Spider because you could find it in a barn. It eats insects. The Barn Spider can be found around houses and barns in the northeast part of the United States and Canada.
h ric.org/pocantico/spiders/crab.htmhttp://www2.l
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