Grade Ten Curriculum Parkville High School English Department
Mediums Of Expression Grade Ten will one of each of the following: A play A novel A film A brief collection of short stories An autobiography
Drama: Romeo And Juliet The unit will include: Live reading of the play in class, with students taking parts Related vocabulary A study of the life of Shakespeare Historical background information Background information on the Globe Theater
Novel: The Scarlet Letter The unit will include: The novel itself Related vocabulary Historical background information Student debate: three groups, each to take the part of one of the major characters
Let’s Go To The Movies! The unit will include: Viewing a film Study of the elements: character, setting, plot, and theme are in all stories regardless of medium Student discussion: how the elements of the story are represented differently in a play, novel, and film
Short Stories: Flannery O’Connor The unit will include: Four stories by Flannery O’Connor Related vocabulary Study of the medium: differences in form and function between short stories and longer works Study of the author: relationships, similarities, and differences between the four stories
Autobiography: Benjamin Franklin The unit will include: The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Background on Benjamin Franklin’s life from other sources Comparison of what Franklin had to say about himself vs. what others had to say Study of the medium