Climate Change : Commitment to Action Newid Hinsawdd: Ymrwymiad i Weithredu #WalesToParis #CymruIBaris.


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Presentation transcript:

Climate Change : Commitment to Action Newid Hinsawdd: Ymrwymiad i Weithredu #WalesToParis #CymruIBaris

Newid Hinsawdd: Ymrwymiad i Weithredu Dydd Mercher 9fed o Ragfyr :30 – 9:00 Cyrraedd & lluniaeth 9:00 – 10:00 Ymrwymiad y Pleidiau & Trafodaeth Panel – cadeirydd gan Peter Davies Cyflwyno’r Cefndir: Adrian Gault – Pwyllgor y DU Newid Hinsawdd Carl Sargeant – Gweinidog Cyfoeth Naturiol Ymrwymiad y Pleidiau Gwleidyddol: William Powell – Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Janet Haworth – Ceidwadwyr Llyr Hughes Griffiths – Plaid Cymru Pippa Bartolotti – Plaid Werdd Carl Sargeant – Llafur Sesiwn Cwestiwn ac Ateb Climate Change: Commitment to Action Wednesday 9th December :30 – 9:00 Arrival & refreshments 9:00 – 10:00 Commitment of the Parties & Panel Debate – chaired by Peter Davies Setting the scene: Adrian Gault – UK Committee on Climate Change Carl Sargeant – Minister for Natural Resources Commitment of the Political Parties: William Powell – Liberal Democrats Janet Haworth – The Conservatives Llyr Hughes Griffiths – Plaid Cymru Pippa Bartolotti – The Green Party Carl Sargeant – The Labour Party Question and Answer Session

Negeseuon fideo o Baris Jess McQuade - WWF Cymru Paul Allen – CAT Ysgol Cwm Rhymni 10:00 – 11:00 Ymrwymiad i Gyflawni Cyng. Phil Bale - Arweinydd Cyngor Dinas Caerdydd Fiona Abbott – Tata Steel Ceri Davies – Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru Prof. Ian Masters – Sefydliad Ymchwil Carbon Isel Chris Blake – Ynni Cymunedol Cymru & Adfywio Cymru Sesiwn Cwestiwn ac Ateb 11:10 – 11:30 Lluniaeth & rhwydweithio Video messages from Paris Jess McQuade - WWF Cymru Paul Allen – CAT Ysgol Cwm Rhymni 10:00 – 11:00 Commitment to Delivery Cllr. Phil Bale – Leader of City of Cardiff Council Fiona Abbott – Head of Environment, Tata Steel Ceri Davies – Natural Resources Wales Prof. Ian Masters – Low Carbon Research Institute Chris Blake – Community Energy Wales & Renew Wales Question & Answer session 11:10 – 11:30 Refreshments & networking

11:30 – 13:00 Gweithredu yng Nghymru Trafodaethau ford-gron ar y prif flaenoriaethau& datganiadau tyst wrth Jane Davidson – INSPIRE, Prifysgol Cymru y Drindod Dewi Sant Ann Jones – Cadeirydd, Ffederasiwn Cenedlaethol Sefydliad y Merched Prof. Wouter Poortinga – Prifysgol Caerdydd Chris Samra – Transition Bro Gwaun Ebbi Ferguson – UCM Cymru Ymrwymiadau Llofnodwyr y Siarter Datblygu Cynaliadwy Closing comments from Peter Davies, Chair Climate Change Commission for Wales 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch & networking 11:30 – 13:00 Making it Happen in Wales Roundtable discussions on key priorities & witness statements Jane Davidson – INSPIRE, University of Wales Trinity St. Davids Ann Jones – Chair, National Federation of Women’s Institute Prof. Wouter Poortinga – Cardiff University Chris Samra – Transition Bro Gwaun Ebbi Ferguson – Deputy President, NUS Wales Sustainable Development Charter signatory commitments Closing comments from Peter Davies, Chair Climate Change Commission for Wales 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch & networking

Peter Davies Chair of the Climate Change Commission for Wales Cadeirydd Comisiwn Cymru ar y Newid yn yr Hinsawdd #WalesToParis #CymruIBaris

Carl Sargeant Minister for Natural Resources Gweinidog Cyfoeth Naturiol #WalesToParis #CymruIBaris

William Powell Welsh Liberal Democrats Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru #WalesToParis #CymruIBaris

Janet Haworth Welsh Conservatives Ceidwadwyr Cymraeg #WalesToParis #CymruIBaris

Llyr Huws Gruffydd Plaid Cymru #WalesToParis #CymruIBaris

Pippa Bartolotti Wales Green Party Plaid Werdd Cymru #WalesToParis #CymruIBaris

Carl Sargeant Welsh Labour Llafur Cymru #WalesToParis #CymruIBaris

Question & Answer Session Sesiwn Cwestiwn ac Ateb #WalesToParis #CymruIBaris

Cllr. Phil Bale Leader of City of Cardiff Council Arweinydd Cyngor Dinas Caerdydd #WalesToParis #CymruIBaris

Prof. Ian Masters Low Carbon Research Institute Sefydliad Ymchwil Carbon Isel #WalesToParis #CymruIBaris

Chris Blake Community Energy Wales & Renew Wales Ynni Cymunedol Cymru & Adfywio Cymru #WalesToParis #CymruIBaris

Question & Answer Session Sesiwn Cwestiwn ac Ateb #WalesToParis #CymruIBaris

Jane Davidson INSPIRE, University of Wales Trinity St. Davids INSPIRE, Prifysgol Cymru y Drindod Dewi Sant #WalesToParis #CymruIBaris

Ann Jones National Federation of Women’s Institute Ffederasiwn Cenedlaethol Sefydliad y Merched #WalesToParis #CymruIBaris

Prof. Wouter Poortinga Cardiff University Prifysgol Caerdydd #WalesToParis #CymruIBaris

Chris Samra Transition Bro Gwaun #WalesToParis #CymruIBaris

Ebbi Ferguson NUS Wales UCM Cymru #WalesToParis #CymruIBaris