Cardiff Methodist Circuit Coordinator: Chloë Marong
21.3 million refugees have left their own country Last year, Germany received 202,815 asylum applications, Sweden received 81,325, the UK received only 31,945 asylum applications
DISPERSAL Asylum seekers who can prove that they meet the criteria for support are provided with accommodation on a no-choice basis and can be moved multiple times with little or no notice, by the private companies who are contracted to provide this accommodation.
DESTITUTION Images by Abbie Traylor- Smith and Student Action for Refugees
HOW DO WE HELP? The Trinity Centre started out as a hub, providing low-cost space in the heart of a deprived and diverse community for voluntary groups assisting asylum seekers and refugees. The voluntary groups providing services for asylum seekers at the Trinity Centre are: Space4U Student Action for Refugees (STAR) Welsh Refugee Council, Stay & Play Parent and Toddler Group Displaced People in Action (DPIA) Cardiff Refugee and Asylum Seeker Advocacy Forum STAR Communities First Tros Gynnal Plant, Fair & Square Activity Group Up & Learning Darfur Community Wales Cardiff Eritrea Society
CARDIFF ASYLUM SUPPORT ADVOCACY (CASA) CASA helps to prevent destitution and homelessness. We do this by helping asylum seekers and new refugees to appeal decisions to refuse or discontinue their accommodation and support. Image: “No Home For Talent” by Tom Sears
CASA – SIMPLICE’S STORY Fled political persecution Became destitute and street homeless CASA helped him to access accommodation and support Simplice now devotes much of his time to learning English at Trinity Centre Recently recognised as a refugee by the Home Office
EVENTS BBC Children in Need, Adult Learners Day International Women’s Day CASA launch event Cardiff Eritrea Society launch event Film screenings
HOW CAN REFUGEE COMMUNITY ORGANISATIONS SUCH AS TRINITY CENTRE BE ASSISTED? 1.Getting involved in our activities and attending integrated events. Arrange a football match between our team and your workplace or other community team. 2.Raising awareness and dispelling myths, helping to build a culture of solidarity 3.Volunteering – using your skills e.g. finance, management, mentoring 4.Fundraising
HOW CAN REFUGEE COMMUNITY ORGANISATIONS SUCH AS TRINITY CENTRE BE ASSISTED? 4.Using expert knowledge of INGOs to challenge Home Office country of origin guidance reports where they are inaccurate and leading to wrong decisions (e.g. Eritrea) 5.Donations in kind, men’s clothes, toiletries, non-perishable food, properties (Home4U) and bikes!!!! 6.Tell your MP / MEP / AM how you feel – politicians often receive negative messages about asylum & immigration from media and constituents, let them hear some positive messages of support for a more humanitarian approach.