French Horn Trombone Tuba Trumpet
French Horn Trombone Tuba Trumpet TASK: Split in groups and present your instrument. Try and get a note TEACHER: Hand out brass instruments from store cupboard. IN BOOKS: Draw / write the brass section
Brass Timbre
KNOW: The instruments of the brass section SHOW: The rocky theme COMPOSE: Your own ending to the rocky theme
STAGE 1 STAGE 2 EXTENSION: Compose an ending GRADE 4 – Played with two hands. (octaves) GRADE 2 GRADE 3 GRADE 1
STAGE 1 STAGE 2 EXTENSION: Compose your own ending 6C – Played with two hands. (octaves) Pupil print
What Brass instrument can be heard? TrumpetTromboneFrench hornTuba What brass instrument is playing the intro? LISTENING TASK What Brass instrument can be heard? TrumpetTromboneFrench hornTuba TrumpetTromboneFrench hornTuba TrumpetTromboneFrench hornTuba... / 4