Trade Union Strategies for Protecting Workers’ Rights and Interests in the Post MFA Era
2 After the MFA; what is happening? Relocation of factories – to mainly China Factories closures and dismissals in Asia Chinese dominance in the textile and clothing trade Decreasing costs of textile goods Streamlining of sourcing – smaller number of countries and factories Government policies to attract foreign investment (EPZ…)
3 UI ZENSEN/UNITE/TWARO CONFERENCE APRIL 2004, TOKYO an urgent review of trade liberalisation, particularly its impact on employment and working conditions in labour intensive industries such as textile, clothing and footwear; Tripartite involvement in all trade negotiations; The inclusion of labour standards conditionalities in all international trade agreements; Continuation of trade regulation after the end of the Textile and Clothing Agreement in 2005 and its extension to footwear;
4 Measures designed to help emerging and struggling industries, particularly in developing countries, adjust to meet the threat posed by dominant producers such as China, including clear restraints on such dominant producers; The promotion of trade based on respect for international labour standards through rewards and sanctions-based mechanism.
5 What to be done as unions? 1.International Level 2.Regional Level 3.Country Level 4.Factory Level
6 1. International Level ITGLWF together with ICFTU, GUFs, ILO and NGOs Pressurize WTO, IFI Try to establish fair trade Promotion of ILO Core Labor Standards Promotion of International Framework Agreement Promotion of CSR or Code of Conducts
7 2. Regional Level TWARO together with APRO, Regional GUFs and ILO BKK Encourage affiliates to study impact of post MFA Disseminate information of the above study Try to promote social dialogue at Regional Level for cooperation to promote textile and clothing industry in Asia
8 3. Country Level Establish Textile Forum among unions Engage in Social Dialogue with the Government and Employers for protection and promotion of the industry Promote Industrial Harmony and Sound Industrial Relations Promote full respect of ILO Core Labor Standards- cooperation with NGOs Improve Social Security
9 3. Country Level Promote idea of CSR to factories Pressurize the government to provide vocation training to improve skills
10 4. Factory Level Establish regular labor and management meeting Improve productivity and quality Establish sound industrial relations give training to union members on MFA, productivity, CSR, etc.
11 For the future Establish effective network to share experiences among affiliates For establishing social dialogue at various level, let us work together