Outcome of cataract surgery in Scleritis patients Bhupesh Bagga Cornea & Anterior Segment Department L.V.Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad,India Financial Disclosure:None
To evaluate the outcome of cataract surgery in patients with scleritis. Purpose
Method Retrospective review of records Inclusion criteria – Patients having Cataract surgery done in presence of scleral thinning or history of scleritis Patients who presented with active scleritis first managed and then cataract surgery performed.
Outcome measure Safety of cataract surgery Visual improvement Recurrence of scleritis after cataract surgery.
Results Preopertive Data Number of eyes -13(12 patients) 9 (75%) were female. Age ranges from yr Cataract grades range from Nuclear sclerosis grade 2 with Posterior sub capsular to mature cataract.
Preoperative visual acuity Range of Visual acuityNo.of patients <20/ /400-20/1004 >20/1002
Preoperative Data Of Scleritis at presentation
Cataract surgery :Technique
Post Operative Visual Acuity
Complications 2 cases had increased anterior chamber inflammation after surgery, that was managed with topical and oral steroids. One case in which Trabeculectomy was performed developed bleb leak which was managed conservatively. 2 cases have developed superficial punctate keratopathy, managed with lubricants.
Conclusion Cataract surgery is safe in patients with history of scleritis if under control. Both Corneal and Scleral routes are equally safe. There is no role of Increased immunosuppression during preoperative or intraoperative duration.