1 Carnegie Mellon ERC Key Factoids Letter of Intent Due: Sept. 10, 2004 1-2 pages Preliminary Proposal Due: Nov. 8, 2004 25 page project description Full Proposal (By invitation only) June 16, 2005 40 page project description Estimated number of Awards: 4 Anticipated Funding level each ERC: $3M in FY06 $3.25M year 2 $3.5M year 3 $4M year 4 $4M year 5 Potential funding duration: 10 years
2 Carnegie Mellon Key ERC Requirements Vision & plan for engineered system to spawn or transform an industry Vision & plan to strengthen diversity Cross-disciplinary team Proof-of-concept test beds Partnerships with industry Education: integrate research with curriculum Precollege outreach Multi-institution External and internal advisory boards
3 Carnegie Mellon Microelectronic Systems and Information Technology Microelectronic Systems and Information Technology (Existing ERCs hotlink) Center for Neuromorphic Systems Engineering (CalTech) Packaging Research Center (GaTech) Center for Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (Umich) Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems (Northeastern) Integrated Media Systems Center (U. Southern Cal) Center for Power Electronics Systems (VaTech)
4 Carnegie Mellon Additional Centers and Sources of Input Wirelessgrids.net spectrum.ittc.ku.edu
5 Carnegie Mellon Ideas from December/May Brainstorming Sessions Update Prometheus Node concept Wireless LAN emulator Rural Broadband Radar with civilian applications GM synergy? Ad Hoc networks and sensor networks Rethinking use of spectrum Self-tuning wireless devices/software Wireless power charging Mobile computing Software radio
6 Carnegie Mellon Leading Idea from Discussions : Rethinking how we use the Spectrum n Problem: Existing policy of primarily exclusive use by license holders does not make efficient use of spectrum (large quantities of spectrum not used at a given time) n Alternative: allow for secondary use/access schemes User with traffic can negotiate with license holder in real time for temporary use, or “Easements” for unlicensed use could be granted provided the license holder gets it back when it needs it n Technical implications: a given radio must be frequency and mode agile to be able to use a wide range of bands and standards as needed Protocols are needed to enable the necessary negotiations for secondary use n This topic combines several ideas—cognitive/software defined radio, testbed, policy… Need SDR partner
7 Carnegie Mellon Writing assignments: 1 or 2 page drafts by July 15 Overall vision & trends (Marvin, Jon, Dave F.) Interference temperature--how do you do this? Type certification Network/ Protocol issues (Peter, Ozan) Physical layer (channel, equalization, coding, radio architecture) (Jose’, Rohit, Patrick) Hardware/platform issues (Asim, Dan, Raj) -fixed/mobile -power-constrained, not constrained -Examples: GM (not power-constrained, high mobility) wearables (power-constrained, limited mobility)—already has context aware capability