JVO portal service Yuji Shirasaki National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Objectives Provide a seamless access to the distributed astronomical data services. Provide a seamless access to the distributed astronomical data services. Easy access to the hundreds of astronomical data service over the VO. Easy access to the hundreds of astronomical data service over the VO. User friendly data analysis environment User friendly data analysis environment Federation of the data access and data analysis. Federation of the data access and data analysis. Graphical user interface for data analysis. Graphical user interface for data analysis. Promote multi-wavelength study. Promote multi-wavelength study.
Functionalities Registry service Registry service Find data resources in the VO Find data resources in the VO Data service Data service Access to the multiple data services. Access to the multiple data services. Analysis service Analysis service Server side web application Server side web application Storage service Storage service Workflow service Workflow service Building your own web service Building your own web service
JVO Portal Architecture Web Browser IF Account DB Registry User Data Storage Authentication Query Planner Data Service Analysis Service User Info Data Query Workflow Reg. Query DataReq. HTML (JSP) User Data Manager Registry Search Workflow Executer LDAP WS NFS
Authentication Tomcat authentication system Tomcat authentication system Form-Based Authentication Form-Based Authentication JNDIRealm & OpenLDAP JNDIRealm & OpenLDAP Access control based on the role property. Access control based on the role property. TODO TODO Secure authentication Secure authentication Access to the protected services Access to the protected services Single sign-on. Single sign-on.
Registry Service Publishing & Searchable Publishing & Searchable XML native database (Karearea) for searchable registry XML native database (Karearea) for searchable registry Harvest resource metadata from the publishing registries Harvest resource metadata from the publishing registries Harvest table & column metadata from skynode Harvest table & column metadata from skynode Harvest query parameter from SIAP/SSAP services. Harvest query parameter from SIAP/SSAP services. Web service IF Web service IF IVOA standard IF (keyword & ADQL search, getResource by identifier) IVOA standard IF (keyword & ADQL search, getResource by identifier) JVO specific IF (getTable, getColumn, getResource by table name … ) JVO specific IF (getTable, getColumn, getResource by table name … )
Data Service Query methods Query methods Form-based query for non-SQL users Form-based query for non-SQL users JVOQL query JVOQL query Query to the multiple data services. Query to the multiple data services. sequential (union) & cross match (join) sequential (union) & cross match (join) Query planner decompose the JVOQL into appropriate query protocols (ADQL/SIAP/SSAP) of each service. Query planner decompose the JVOQL into appropriate query protocols (ADQL/SIAP/SSAP) of each service.
JVO Query Language Extended ADQL-s Extended ADQL-s Catalog and Image xmatch Catalog and Image xmatch SELECT ir.object, ir.flux_iso_45, opt.number, opt.mag_auto_B, opt.mag_auto_V, opt.mag_auto_R, opt.mag_auto_I, opt.mag_auto_Z, x.number, x.rate2300, img.object, img.filter_id, img.access_ref, img.format FROM ivo://jvo/sxds:sxdsr1 AS opt, jvo://jvo/sxds:swire_xmm AS ir, ivo://jvo/sxds:xmm_epic_sxds AS x, ivo://jvo/subaru:spcam_mos_view AS img WHERE Region(‘Circle ’) AND opt.mag_auto_R < 24 AND distance((ir.ra, ir.dec), (opt.ra, opt.dec)) < 2 [arcsec] AND distance((ir.ra, ir.dec), (x.ra, x.dec)) < 2 [arcsec] AND distance((x.ra, x.dec), (opt.ra, opt.dec)) < 2 [arcsec] AND img.region = BOX((opt.ra, opt.dec), 0.02, 0.02) AND img.filter_id = 'W-C-RC'
Query Planner 1. Decompose JVOQL into ADQL (Skynode) or parameter query (SIAP/SSAP) for each service. 2. Check xmatch support 3. Execute query to the non-xmatch services 4. Request a query cost for each xmatch service 5. Execute query to the service of the lowest cost. 6. Execute xmatch query according to the order of the cost. 7. Join all the query results.
User Data Management Result of query and workflow execution can be stored on the user storage area (UNIX file system). Result of query and workflow execution can be stored on the user storage area (UNIX file system). Download to the local machine Download to the local machine TODO TODO Upload from the local machine Upload from the local machine Query on the user data Query on the user data VOStore interface ? VOStore interface ?
Workflow Masahiro Tanaka ’ s talk. Masahiro Tanaka ’ s talk.