Evaluation of Advanced GEM Lines for Multiple Insect Resistance and Fumonisin Concentration Martin Bohn Crop Sciences University of Illinois
Objectives Evaluate GEM lines for their resistance against WCR as well as first and second generation ECB. Evaluate GEM lines for their resistance against Fusarium species. Determine the association between insect resistance and fumonisin concentration in GEM germplasm.
Objectives Study the genetic basis of insect resistance in maize against both insect species by diallel crosses and testcrosses, and Initiate a recurrent selection program aimed to develop new maize lines with improved multiple insect resistant (MIR).
Approach Maize GEM-Pop. (25%) WCR ECB GEM-Pop. (100%)
Materials and Methods “Population”15 Entries “Inbred”20 Entries Location:Urbana Design:α – lattice, 4 replications Plot size:Population – 4 row plots Inbreds - 2 row plots Row size:1.50m × 0.75m plants hand planted WCR eval.:Trap crop ECB eval.:1ECB – 180 eggs / plant 2ECB – 180 eggs / plant
Materials and Methods: WCR Node-Injury Scale (0.00 – 3.00) (Oleson and Tollefson, Iowa State Uni.) 1.50 No. of full nodes eaten % of a node eaten
Materials and Methods: ECB Leaf Damage Rating 1 = no visible leaf feeding 9 = long lesions on most leaves Stalk Damage Ratings 1 = no stalk breakage 9 = stalk breakage beneath the ear Number of Larvae Source: D. Barry Source: T. Magg
Results: Populations DKXL212:N11a01 UR10001:N1708b UR10001:N1702 CH05015:N1204 DKB844:S1612 NGSDCRW1(S2)C4-15-2S2(S1) FS8A(T):N1804 FS8A(S):S0907 CASH:N1410 AR17056:N2025 AR16026:S1719 AR13035:S11b04 AR17056:S1216 UR13085:N0204 AR16026:N1210 MAX MEAN MIN Root Damage Ratings (0.00 – 3.00) LSD(5%) = 0.99
Results: Inbreds LSD(5%) = 0.74 Root Damage Ratings (0.00 – 3.00) CUBA117:S AR17056:N B64 CUBA117:S AR17056:N2025-#5 AR17056:N CUBA117:S CUBA117:S CUBA117:S AR17056:N AR17056:N AR17056:N2025-#2 AR17056:N B37 Mo17 AR17056:N2025-#4 NGSDCRW1(S2)C4-15 AR17056:N2025-#1 AR17056:N2025-#3 B MAX MEAN MIN
Results: ECB Mean SEMinMax LDR SDR SDR ECB ECB Evaluation of inbreds derived from GEM populations (25% exotic) for various ECB resistance traits. SE = Standard error
Results: ECB Mean SEMinMax LDR SDR SDR ECB ECB Evaluation of GEM populations (25% exotic) for various ECB resistance traits. SE = Standard error
Summary Results confirm: Populations AR17056:N2025 and CUBA117:S1520 are possible sources of WCR resistance. Four inbreds derived from populations AR17056:N2025 (2) and CUBA117:S1520 (2) showed significantly (P < 0.05) lower root damage ratings than the resistant check. Significant (P < 0.01) differences between entries were found for leaf damage ratings. Some inbreds and populations showed intermediate levels of resistance against the first generation ECB. Differences between entries for stalk damage ratings and number of larvae were not significant.
Activities in 2004 Repeat experiment! Screen more GEM germplasm! Conduct diallel study! Initiate recurrent selection programs!
Acknowledgements Mike Gray Sue Ratcliffe Kevin Steffey Brad Engel Ricardo Fonseca And to the “rest” of crew: