OBJECTIVES The student will be able to: Explain and give examples of the concepts on computers and computing
EXPLORING COMPUTERS Review your list from yesterday. Can you think of anything to add? Categorize your answers into: Definitely a computer Sort of a computer Add things in this room are “definitely not a computer” Put your post-its on the board in the proper category
EXPLORING COMPUTERS As a team… Look at the board. Find 1 item that you think should be in a different category and move it. Explain to the class why you think that item should be moved.
HOMEWORK Your homework is to interview a family member or friend to find out what features that person would like to have if buying a new personal computer. Ideas of things to ask: What will you use the computer for? Where are going to use it? Does it have to be mobile? Is there limited desk space? How much can you afford? Anything special you want in the computer? You must bring this in tomorrow!