Dialogue with Country Gender Focal Points PREM Forum May 3, 2012 Jeni Klugman Director Gender and Development, World Bank
Outline Welcome and introductions around the table Overall strategy in the wake of the WDR2012 Five strategic directions IDA Commitments, Corporate Scorecard How anchor and network is set up to support Resources available Questions and discussion
Strategic Directions for the WBG Discussed by the Executive Board on August 23, 2011 Endorsed by Development Committee on September 24, 2011 So what is the World Bank doing differently ?
Corporate Commitments: IDA16 and CSC IDA 16Corporate Scorecard Net primary completion rate, girls and boys Gender parity index in primary and secondary education Ratio of female to male labor force participation Adolescent fertility rate (ages 15-19) Maternal mortality ratio Share of births attended by skilled staff Prevalence of HIV, female (ages 15-24) Tier 1: Country Progress Tier 2: Development Results Number of pregnant women receiving antenatal care during a visit to a health provider. Number of women and girls benefiting from social protection programs and other targeted schemes. Tier 3: Operational Effectiveness CAS/CPS draw on and discuss gender assessment findings 100% 100% Share of operations with gender-informed design 60% 55% Plus, for example, Strengthened efforts to integrating gender in fragile and conflict affected states Regional Gender Action Plans
Number of operations in brackets Financing Integration of gender analysis, actions and monitoring into operations, by region, FY11 Progress in Strategic Directions
Financing patterns 51% * Total number of projects in parentheses 53% 75%
Better and more timely tracking Improved method integrated into AIS: Simplified and clarified, and consistent with CAS method Allow pipeline to be tracked. Being gender informed requires money and skills: OPCS analysis reveals that gender informed projects take no longer, but cost $50,000 more, to prepare. Analysis and/or consultation on gender related issues: Yes No Specific actions to address the distinct needs of women and girls, or men and boys, and/or positive impacts on gender gaps : Yes No Mechanisms to monitor gender impact to facilitate gender-disaggregated analysis. Yes No If “Yes” is selected for any of the three dimensions, this will create a gender flag.
Resources available 1.Network anchor and regional teams 2.Knowledge – Guidance -- on CAS, DPLs, and what is gender informed lending – Toolkits – Evidence about what works 3.Data – the new portal 4.Learning and hands-on support – CAS Academy, DPL Academy, Boot Camp… – Clinics -- CAS, operational…
Some key questions 1. Are we doing enough at the country level ? Raising awareness : beyond WDR dissemination and the campaign Diagnostics : look for links -- especially in poverty and inequality work – eg West Bank Gaza Opportunities with partners - eg AfDB gender assessments, IADB on violence. 2. Can we identify more financing opportunities ? 3. Do staff have easy access to relevant guidance and knowledge ? Guidance on CAS, DPLs, and what is gender informed lending How useful is the GE website? 4. Do we have the right people and skills ? Inherently multi-sectoral – everybody’s business! Regional gender focal points - normally PREM (except SAR) – and country gender focal points, mainly in country - 54 identified and now linked. Gender now integrated and delivered as part of core training, eg CAS Academy, DPL Academy, Boot Camp – but much to do ! Very few gender mapped staff -- total on active duty = 10, of 170 poverty specialists; 200+ mapped to economic policy.