Lightning talk about Project Tracker (protrack) IRM meeting on Kyoko Nakamura
contents Objective of the Protrack Framework, architecture, database schema and deployment Core functionalities How to test List of regression tests
Objective of the Protrack Tracking the status of the observing projects Controling and monitoring of the project's lifecycle Producing many kinds of reports about projects Observatory staff user: Check the project status and modify it if needed project PI(Principal Investigator) user: Confirm the project status
Framework, architecture, database schema and deployment (1) Framework: Java application, and DB handlings are done by Hibernate and Spring The UI is made by ZK Architecture: Protrack GUI Services DAO DB
Framework, architecture, database schema and deployment (2) Database schema: “alma” schema Protrack own tables: prj_operations, prj_comment StateSystem: obs_project_status, sched_block_status, obs_unit_set_status, state_changes APDM tables like xml_obsproject_entities, xml_obsproposal_entities, xml_schedblock_entities Deployment : CAS server for authentication Tomcat for the application (protrack.war)
Core functionalities A. Searching with Project/SB/OUS [Staff user] B. Changing status to allowed ones [Staff user] C. Reporting Project by State and Executive Project State Summary SchedBlock by State and Executive Project report QA0 report Weather report Statistic report
How to test (1) 1) Migrate the DB if required 2) Deploy the protrack.war to $CATALINA_HOME/webapps and start the tomcat 3) Login by a required user (Staff/PI) 4) Do the following actions according to the test steps Searching, checking, generating a report and so on.
How to test (2) In case an unexpected behavior happens, do the following actions * Double-check the test steps * Verify it can be reproduced or not and confirming the action * Check environments * Look into catalina.out * Go back to the previous release and confirm the behavior * Look into the DB tables and modify it if needed * Verify with Aqua, SLT
List of regression tests Throughout feature tickets in the past except obsolete ones regresson test with ICT Jira (51 tickets) regresson test with COMP Jira (39 tickets)