Happy New Year!!! 1/5/15 Happy New Year!!! Do Now: - Take out something to write with. Homework: - Annotate Steve Jobs’ Commencement Speech looking for rhetorical devices (Allusion, Anaphora, Diction, Syntax, Tone). Content Objective (What):Students will explain how the speaker uses a rhetorical device to develop the central idea of a speech before evaluating the effectiveness of the speech. Language Objective (How): Students will watch, read, and annotate the speech to identify rhetorical appeals, rhetorical devices, and the central idea of a speech.
Severn Suzuki When she was 12, Severn Suzuki and three Vancouver schoolmates raised money to go to the United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. Her speech to delegates had such an impact that she became a frequent invitee to U.N. conferences.
Severn Suzuki Speech
Questions: 1)What is central idea of this speech? 2)Find and record a quote from the speech that is an example of Severn using Logos, Ethos, and Pathos. 3)What three rhetorical devices does Severn most commonly utilize? 4)How does the use of one these rhetorical devices help Severn develop her central idea? 5)Push It!!! 5)Push It!!! Is Severn effective in persuading her audience? Why or why not?