Computer E-ssentials Group : Will Howell Tausif Rajkotwala Komal Chandarana
Business Requirements Provide online customer access to assemble and purchase components Track customer information Generate Sales and Inventory Reports Provide billing process Provide product search capability Track inventory count and reorder value
Context Diagram
Level 0 DFD
Level 1 – Customer Info DFD
Level 1 – Reports DFD
Level 1 – Customer Order DFD
Level 2 – Order Confirmation DFD
Customer Information Processing System Component Processes External Entity External Entity 1.0 Customer Information Processing 2.0 Order Processing Customer EMPLOYEE 3.0 Manage Inventory 4.0 Report Processing D1 Inventory D3 Orders D2 Customer Data Database
Structure Chart
Entity-Relationship Diagram Contains Have is Updated by Updates
Entitys and Attributes Entity: Customer: CustomerID CustomerName Username Password Secret Question Answer Address City State Zipcode Phone No E-mail CreditCardNo Entity: Inventory: InventoryID InventoryName InventoryModelNo InventorySerialNo InventoryAmount InventoryQty Entity: Orders: OrderID CustomerID OrderReciptNo OrdertDate OrderStatus Entity: Order-Product: OrderId InventoryId InventoryQty OrderAmt 12
Physical Design Customer (Cust_ID, Cust_LastName, Cust_FirstName, Cust_Username, Cust_Password, Cust_Que, Cust_Ans, Cust_Address1, Cust_Address2, Cust_City, Cust_State, Cust_Zip, Cust_Phone, Cust_e-mail, Cust_CreditCard ) Orders (Order_ID, Cust_ID, Order_Date, Order_ReciptNo, Order_Status ) Order-Product (Order_ID, Inventory_ID, Inventory_Price, Order_Qty ) Inventory (Inventory_ID, Inventory_Name, Inventory_ModelNo, Inventory_SerialNo, Inventory_Amt, Inventory_Qty )
Implementation in MS Access
Create Customer Form
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