Julie A. Gutierrez Assistant City Manager January 13, 2014 City Council Funding for Pasadena Participation in a Five City Alliance to Hire Technical Experts to Review the SR-710 North Study
Recommendation Appropriate $50,000 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the General Fund to budget account (City Manager’s Office) which represents the City’s pro-rata share for participating with the Cities of Glendale, La Canada-Flintridge, Sierra Madre, and South Pasadena, to provide resources and information regarding issues related to the SR-710 North Study
Background On February 11, 2013, City Council directed staff to seek collaboration with neighboring cities in the SR-710 Corridor to monitor, comment, and possibly engage in independent studies to ensure full and accurate assessment of impacts related to SR-710 project alternatives. Staff from Cities of Glendale, La Canada- Flintridge, Sierra Madre, and South Pasadena have been meeting to discuss opportunities to combine resources and information regarding the EIR/EIS underway for the SR-710 Tunnel Project.
Background Each of the five cities has expressed shared concerns regarding the potential impact of the proposed project and are willing to pool resources in order to save costs in evaluating the tremendous amount of technical information that will be included in the Draft EIR/EIS Under the proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) each of the five cities will contribute a one-time amount of $50,000 for a combined total amount available of $250,000.
Background The “5 – City Alliance” will hire technical experts in; Transportation Impact Analysis Air Quality/Health Impact Analysis Legal/CEQA Soils, Geology/Seismology Tunnel Safety/Security
Background The goal is to have specialized consultants on board prior to the release of the document which is scheduled to come out in the spring of The City has formally requested a minimum 120- day review period and Metro has acknowledged the request, but has yet not agreed to it.
Funding Plan StudyEstimated CostRFP Preparation Transportation Consultant$ 75,000South Pasadena Air Quality Consultant$ 35,000Sierra Madre Legal/CEQU Consultant$100,000Pasadena Soil Geology/Seismologist$ 20,000La Canada Flintridge Safety/Security Consultant$ 20,000Glendale Estimated Total$250,000 7