New Zealand 2007
Ho hum: 2+ weeks in New Zealand … Pfizer Ford Gap Chrysler Yahoo microsoft wal*mart ??? ???
“ It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” “ It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” —Charles Darwin
Punchline …
The last word: There is no “last word.”
Tom Peters’ X25* EXCELLENCE. ALWAYS. ESPN/Chatham/02 May 2007 *In Search of Excellence
Slides* at … *Also see … LONG
The end S.A.V. 0/800 Women Boomers-Geezers Obesity-wellness- prevention
20 $14,000,000,000,000- $25,000,000,000,000
Buy a very large one and just wait.” “I am often asked by would-be entrepreneurs seeking escape from life within huge corporate structures, ‘How do I build a small firm for myself?’ The answer seems obvious: Buy a very large one and just wait.” —Paul Ormerod, Why Most Things Fail: Evolution, Extinction and Economics
You don’t get better by being bigger. You get worse.” Dick Kovacevich: You don’t get better by being bigger. You get worse.”
“It is generally much easier to kill an organization than change it substantially.” —Kevin Kelly, Out of Control
Excellence1982: The Bedrock “Eight Basics” 1. A Bias for Action 2. Close to the Customer 3. Autonomy and Entrepreneurship 4. Productivity Through People 5. Hands On, Value-Driven 6. Stick to the Knitting 7. Simple Form, Lean Staff 8. Simultaneous Loose-Tight Properties” Properties”
The Peters Principles: Enthusiasm. Emotion. Excellence. Energy. Excitement. Service. Growth. Creativity. Imagination. Vitality. Joy. Surprise. Independence. Spirit. Community. Limitless human potential. Diversity. Profit. Innovation. Design. Quality. Entrepreneurialism. Wow!
Why in the World did you go to Siberia? go to Siberia?
What makes God laugh?
People making plans!
The Mess Is The Message! Period!
#1 R&D spending, last 25 years? More than $$$$ #1 R&D spending, last 25 years?
We become who we hang out with 1
Why Do I love Freaks? (1) Because when Anything Interesting happens … it was a freak who did it. (Period.) (2) Freaks are fun. (Freaks are also a pain.) (Freaks are never boring.) (3) We need freaks. Especially in freaky times. (Hint: These are freaky times, for you & me & the CIA & the Army & Avon.) (4) A critical mass of freaks-in-our-midst automatically make us-who-are-not-so-freaky at least somewhat more freaky. (Which is a Good Thing in freaky times—see immediately above.) (5) Freaks are the only (ONLY) ones who succeed—as in, make it into the history books. (6) Freaks keep us from falling into ruts. (If we listen to them.) (We seldom listen to them.) (Which is why most organizations are in ruts. Make that chasms.)
“Normal” = “o for 800”
The “Hang Out Axiom”: At its core, every (!!!) relationship-partnership decision (employee, vendor, customer, etc) is a strategic decision about: “Innovate, ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ ”
try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Screw it up. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Screw it up. it. Try it. Try it. try it. Try it. Screw it up. Try it. Try it. Try it.
do things.
“We have a ‘strategic plan.’ It’s called doing things.” “We have a ‘strategic plan.’ It’s called doing things.” — Herb Kelleher
you only find oil if you drill wells. “ This is so simple it sounds stupid, but it is amazing how few oil people really understand that you only find oil if you drill wells. You may think you’re finding it when you’re drawing maps and studying logs, but you have to drill.” Source: The Hunters, by John Masters, Canadian O & G wildcatter
try things.
“We made mistakes, of course. Most of them were omissions we didn’t think of when we initially wrote the software. We fixed them by doing it over and over, again and again. We do the same today. While our competitors are still sucking their thumbs trying to make the design perfect, we’re already on prototype version # 5. By the time our rivals are ready with wires and screws, we are on version ready with wires and screws, we are on version # 10. It gets back to planning versus acting: We act from day one; others plan how to plan— for months.” —Bloomberg by Bloomberg # 10. It gets back to planning versus acting: We act from day one; others plan how to plan— for months.” —Bloomberg by Bloomberg
Screw. things. Up.
Sam’s Secret #1!
“Reward Punish “Reward excellent failures. Punish mediocre successes.” Phil Daniels, Sydney exec
try. Miss. try.
READY. FIRE! AIM. READY. FIRE! AIM. Ross Perot (vs “ Aim! Aim! Aim!” /EDS vs GM/1985)
“Learn not to be careful.” Careful = The sidelines “Learn not to be careful.” —Photographer Diane Arbus to her students (Careful = The sidelines, from Harriet Rubin in The Princessa)
No try. No deal.
“You miss 100% of the shots you never take.” —WayneGretzky “You miss 100% of the shots you never take.” —Wayne Gretzky
“Intelligent people can always come up with intelligent reasons to do nothing.” —Scott Simon
Concoct a Parallel universe!
“Parallel Universe” … China!!!!!!!
E-nor-mous Stra-te-gic opp-or-tun- ity
“Forget China, India and the Internet : Economic Growth Is Driven by Women.” “Forget China, India and the Internet : Economic Growth Is Driven by Women.” —Headline, Economist, April 15, 2006, Leader, page 14
Women’s Trifecta+ *Buy *Wealth *Lead + ECLIPSE OF MALES Women’s Trifecta+ *Buy *Wealth *Lead + ECLIPSE OF MALES (Old/Retire; Young/Poorly educated)
“Women are the majority market” —Fara Warner/The Power of the Purse
“Girls are the new boys.” Source: The Daily Mail, , “Why today’s women want a girl”
“Boys Falling Seven Years Behind Girls at GCSE Level” Not Just America … “Boys Falling Seven Years Behind Girls at GCSE Level” —headline, Weekly Telegraph, UK,
10 UNASSAILABLE REASONS WOMEN RULE Women make [all] the financial decisions. Women control [all] the wealth. Women [substantially] outlive men. Women start most of the new businesses. Women’s work force participation rates have soared worldwide. soared worldwide. Women are closing in on “same pay for same job.” job.” Women are penetrating senior ranks rapidly [even if the pace is slow for the corner [even if the pace is slow for the corner office per se]. office per se]. Women’s leadership strengths are exceptionally well aligned with new organizational effectiveness & aligned with new organizational effectiveness & value-added imperatives. value-added imperatives. Women are better salespersons than men. Women buy [almost] everything—commercial as well as consumer goods. as well as consumer goods. So what exactly is … the point of men?
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “People turning 50 today have more than half of their adult life ahead of them.” “People turning 50 today have more than half of their adult life ahead of them.” —Bill Novelli, 50+: Igniting a Revolution to Reinvent America
13 7 Average # of cars purchased per household, “lifetime”: 13 Average # of cars bought per household after the “head of household” reaches age 50: 7 Source: Marti Barletta, PrimeTime Women
Subject: Marketers & Stupidity “ It’s 18-44, stupid!”
Subject: Marketers & Stupidity “ is stupid, stupid!” Subject: Marketers & Stupidity Or is it: “ is stupid, stupid!”
-1% +21% +47% Stats 18-44: -1% 55+: +21% (55-64: +47% )
Boomers’-Geezers’-Women's’ Trifecta+ *Buy/all *Wealth/all *time left/ lots *Eclipse of males/retire-die
We are the Aussies & Kiwis & canadians & americans. We are the Western Europeans & Japanese. We are the fastest growing, the biggest, the wealthiest, the boldest, the most (yes) ambitious, the most experimental & exploratory, the most different, the most indulgent, the most difficult & demanding, the most service & experience obsessed, the most vigorous, (the least vigorous,) the most health conscious, the most female, the most profoundly important commercial market in the history of the world—and we will be the Center of your universe for the next twenty-five years. We have arrived!
See me. Watch me. respect me. Suck up to me. Serve me. Love me. Love my longevity. Love my m-o-n-e-y.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton (more or less) (circa )
See “her.” Watch her. respect her. Be obsequious to her. Serve her. Love her. Love her long longevity. Love her m-o-n-e-y. (which is damn near a-l-l the mon-$$$$$$.) the mon-$$$$$$.)
20 $14,000,000,000,000- $25,000,000,000,000
Subject: Marketers & Stupidity Subject: Marketers & Stupidity Or is it: “ is stupid, stupid!”
Beer: National Boh to Bud to Anchor Steam to Zilch Car: Chevrolet ( ) to misc to Subaru Biz Clothes: Various warehouses to Brooks to Nordstrom to Milan Biz: Big (U.S. Navy, McKinsey) to Small (de facto self-employed) Sports clothes: Misc-cheap to Northface Spouse: “Sexy broad” (wife #1) to Best friend/Brainy (+sexy) School: Cornell to Stanford to RISD (Go Nads!) Pens: Cross to Bic Food: Safeway to Whole Foods Music: Beatles to Queen Home Furnishings: With it to Comfortable Home: SF Bay Area to West Tinmouth VT Favorite sport: Lacrosse-Crew to Speed Walking-Trekking-Rowing Favorite MLB, NFL: Orioles- Baltimore Colts to A’s-Raiders (Warriors!) Favorite magazine: Life to Wired Favorite media: Print-Radio to Web-Radio Favorite airline: TWA to American to Lufthansa Home: East to West Vacations: USA to New Zealand Price: Cheap to Varied (Wal*Mart to Milan) Hotel: Ramada/Holiday Inns to Four Seasons/Leading Hotels Restaurants: McDonald’s to Hole in the wall Stores: Misc/Big to Little shops Loyalty: Serial monogamy (just as loyal now as then; “love ’em, then leave ’em”)
Which is pretty weird when you consider age 50 is right about when people who have worked all their lives start to have some money to spend.” “Fifty-four years of age has been the highest cutoff point for any marketing initiative I’ve ever been involved in. Which is pretty weird when you consider age 50 is right about when people who have worked all their lives start to have some money to spend.” —Marti Barletta, PrimeTime Women
“While Fox’s overall ratings are down about 6% from last year, the network has moved from fourth place into first among viewers from ages 18 to 49, which all the networks other than CBS define as the only competition that counts.” *Translation … dumb/ ignorant/ stupid/ all three “While Fox’s overall ratings are down about 6% from last year, the network has moved from fourth place into first among viewers from ages 18 to 49, which all the networks other than CBS define as the only competition that counts.” —NYT/ * *Translation … dumb/ ignorant/ stupid/ all three
TOM’S TANTRUMS Quality! Prevention! Wellness! Chronic care! Childhood obesity! H5N1!
Childhood Obesity > Terrorism Source: Mike Levitt/HHS
Report Card.
Re-imagine Healthcare: Reportcard/2007 Re-imagine Healthcare: Reportcard/2007 Evidence-based/Outcomes-based ……………….…………………………..... D Pay-for-performance ………………………………………………..………….… D IS/IT (general) ………………………………..…………………...……………..…. C- Use of information (for decisionmaking-measurement) …………………… C- EMR (Electronic Medical Records) ……………………………………….….... D CPOE (Computerized Physician Order Entry) ………………..…….……….. C-/D Quality/100K+ unnecessary deaths ………………………..………..… D- Acute care to chronic care-home care shift …………………………….….... D/D- Acute-care to Prevention/Wellness Obsession.. F Patient-centric/Client-centric……………………………………….…………….. D Docs’ acceptance of “evidence-based” …………………………… … D/D- “Revolutionary”-intensity Incentives re evidence …….………………..……. D- Childhood obesity epidemic …….…………….....…………... F H5N1 preparedness …………………………………………………….…….. D Corporate focus on Prevention/Wellness…………..…..………………… D Individual focus on Prevention/Wellness…………………...………………..… D Individuals’ health education/self-management …………………………...…. C- Workforce acceptance of self-responsibility ….……………………...…...….. C- Workforce transition to “Brand You” attitude……………………….……..….. C-/D 02May2007/Tom Peters
Bust fat docs!
PURPOSE. PASSION. Potential. Presence. Personal. pissed off. Playful. PERSISTENCE. PEOPLE. Peculiar. Potent. Positive.
‘Who do we intend to be?’ “Management has a lot to do with answers. Leadership is a function of questions. And the first question for a leader always is: ‘Who do we intend to be?’ Not ‘What are we going to do?’ but ‘Who do we intend to be?’” —Max De Pree, Herman Miller
Leader Job One Paint Portraits of Excellence !
PURPOSE. PASSION. Potential. Presence. Personal. pissed off. Playful. PERSISTENCE. PEOPLE. Peculiar. Potent. Positive.
“Nothing is so contagious as enthusiasm.” “Nothing is so contagious as enthusiasm.” —Samuel Taylor Coleridge
PURPOSE. PASSION. Potential. Presence. Personal. pissed off. Playful. PERSISTENCE. PEOPLE. Peculiar. Potent. Positive.
“The role of the Director is to create a space where the actors and actresses can become more than they’ve ever been before, more than they’ve dreamed of being.” —Robert Altman, Oscar acceptance speech
PURPOSE. PASSION. Potential. Presence. Personal. pissed off. Playful. PERSISTENCE. PEOPLE. Potent. Positive.
PURPOSE. PASSION. Potential. Presence. Personal. pissed off. Playful. PERSISTENCE. PEOPLE. Peculiar. Potent. Positive.
“ You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” “ You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” Gandhi
“Courtesies of a small and trivial character are the ones which strike deepest in the grateful and appreciating heart.” “Courtesies of a small and trivial character are the ones which strike deepest in the grateful and appreciating heart.” —Henry Clay
Questions: What do others think of you? [Are you sure?] What do you think of you? [Are you sure?] What is your impact on others? [Are you sure?] What is your impact on others? [Are you sure?] What is your impact on others? [Are you sure?] What are the “little things” you (perhaps unconsciously) do that cause people to shrivel—or blossom? [Are you sure?] What do you want? [Are you sure?] Are you aware of your changing moods? [Are you sure?] How fragile is your ego? [Are you sure?] Do you have a true confidant? [Are you sure?] Do you perform brief or not-so-brief self-assessments? Do you talk too much? [Are you sure?] Do you know how to listen? [Are you sure?] Do you listen? [Are you sure?] What is your style of “hashing things out”? Are you perceived as (a) arrogant, (b) abrasive (c) attentive, (d) genuinely interested in people, (e) etc? [Are you sure?] Are you flexible? Have you changed your mind about anything important in a while? Are you comfortable-uncomfortable with folks on the front line? Do you think you’re “in touch with the pulse of things around here”? [Are You Sure?] Are you too emotional/intuitive? Are you too unemotional/rational? Do you spend much time with people who are new to you? [Do you think questions like this are “so much BS”?]
PURPOSE. PASSION. Potential. Presence. Personal. pissed off. Playful. PERSISTENCE. PEOPLE. Peculiar. Potent. Positive.
Pissed Off* ** *As in “I’m pissed off and I’m not gonna take it any more …” **Innovation Stems from Irritation (Re-imagining Results from Rage)
PURPOSE. PASSION. Potential. Presence. Personal. pissed off. Playful. PERSISTENCE. PEOPLE. Peculiar. Potent. Positive.
“You can’t be a serious innovator unless and until you are ready, willing and able to seriously play. ‘Serious play’ is not an oxymoron; it is the essence of innovation.” —Michael Schrage, Serious Play
READY. FIRE! AIM. READY. FIRE! AIM. Ross Perot (vs “ Aim! Aim! Aim!” /EDS vs GM/1985)
PURPOSE. PASSION. Potential. Presence. Personal. pissed off. Playful. PERSISTENCE. PEOPLE. Peculiar. Potent. Positive.
Relentless: “One of my superstitions had always been when I started to go anywhere or to do anything, not to turn back, or stop, until the thing intended was accomplished.” Relentless: “One of my superstitions had always been when I started to go anywhere or to do anything, not to turn back, or stop, until the thing intended was accomplished.” —Grant
PURPOSE. PASSION. Potential. Presence. Personal. pissed off. Playful. PERSISTENCE. PEOPLE. Peculiar. Potent. Positive.
“Leaders ‘do’ people. Period.” “Leaders ‘do’ people. Period.” —Anon.
“Leaders ‘SERVE’ people. Period.” “Leaders ‘SERVE’ people. Period.” —Anon.
PURPOSE. PASSION. Potential. Presence. Personal. pissed off. Playful. PERSISTENCE. PEOPLE. Peculiar. Potent. Positive.
“Normal” = “o for 800”
PURPOSE. PASSION. Potential. Presence. Personal. pissed off. Playful. PERSISTENCE. PEOPLE. Peculiar. Potent. Positive.
1. Ready. Fire! Aim. 2. If it ain’t broke... Break it! 3. Hire crazies. 4. Ask dumb questions. 5. Pursue failure. 6. Lead, follow... or get out of the way! 7. Spread confusion. 8. Ditch your office. 9. Read odd stuff. Avoid moderation! Kevin Roberts’ Credo 1. Ready. Fire! Aim. 2. If it ain’t broke... Break it! 3. Hire crazies. 4. Ask dumb questions. 5. Pursue failure. 6. Lead, follow... or get out of the way! 7. Spread confusion. 8. Ditch your office. 9. Read odd stuff. 10. Avoid moderation!
“ Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.” “ Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.” —Margaret Mead
eliot + 7
PURPOSE. PASSION. Potential. Presence. Personal. pissed off. Playful. PERSISTENCE. PEOPLE. Peculiar. Potent. Positive.
“[other] admirals more frightened of losing than anxious to win” On NELSON: “[other] admirals more frightened of losing than anxious to win”
PURPOSE. PASSION. Potential. Presence. Personal. pissed off. Playful. PERSISTENCE. PEOPLE. Peculiar. Potent. Positive.
GERONIMO!’ "Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in one pretty and well preserved piece, but to skid across the line broadside, thoroughly used up, worn out, leaking oil, shouting ‘GERONIMO!’ ” —Bill McKenna, professional motorcycle racer (Cycle magazine )
Ger- on-i- mo !