JOSEPH A. FORAN HIGH SCHOOL Financial Aid and Scholarship Information Session
Two ways to find out about scholarships Foran guidance webpage: Links to current available scholarships PDF’s of scholarship applications Links to 7 scholarship search engines On your own.. Employer scholarships Social organizations (Lions, Girl and Boy Scouts, Freemasons, Eastern Star, etc.) Church Recreation Athletics
On the Foran guidance webpage: Scholarships are added as we are made aware Scholarships are removed once the deadline has passed NOTE: Many scholarships we post have 2 deadlines- the scholarship’s deadline AND the guidance deadline. You must adhere to the guidance deadline to assure all materials are delivered by the scholarship’s deadline
FOR ANY SCHOLARSHIP…. Student Responsibility: Download application and print it out. You may be able to type in information or you need to handwrite it neatly. Online applications -submit on your own….if it requires you to upload transcript or letters, see Mrs. Skuches Complete all components, minus transcript Follow directions- does it need to be in a binder? Does it require a specific font? Does it require a special cover page? If you need a letter of recommendation to be “scholarship specific”, ask recommender to edit current letters in advance of the guidance deadline Turn in completed application by guidance deadline Guidance Responsibility: We will attach your transcript (if required) to your completed scholarship application. If it needs to be uploaded, you must make an appointment with Mrs. Skuches to have it uploaded prior to the guidance deadline. We will provide the letters of recommendation you have on file. We will mail the completed scholarship to the destination, adhering to the deadline.
Things to remember about scholarships: Be mindful of deadlines. Guidance deadlines are hard deadlines- exceptions are rarely made. Follow directions. If a scholarship application is not complete, it will not be accepted. Your counselor can help make sure it is complete, but don’t ask for assistance the day it is due..
Things to remember about scholarships: The “local scholarship” packet is usually available in early March. This application is used for over 30 scholarships that are awarded at Senior Awards. Students must complete this packet to be considered for most of the awards at senior awards night, late applications are NOT accepted. Complete the FAFSA, even if you don’t think you are going to get any financial aid. Some scholarships require or recommend attaching the EFC (estimated family contribution page). Being ineligible for aid may actually help the student be eligible for scholarships, as the committee may realize parents need to pay full-freight.