Religious Law vs. Secular Law Islamic Law = Secular Law = decides the law Task Create a list explaining how a day at school be different living under Islamic religious law.
Islamic Law – Characteristics 1. Criminal laws based on the Qu’ran 2. Must follow religious guidelines for prayers, fasting, and giving $$ to the poor 3. Must follow SOCIAL guidelines for personal hygiene, diet, sexual conduct, and raising children 4. Economic laws also based on the Qu’ran –NO women in advertising –NO US corporations –Must give to charities
Modern Islam vs. Traditional Islam Day 2 – Traditional Life and Modern Life in Islamic Nations
Table of Contents – SW Asia DateTitleLesson # **SW Asia** 2/9Cover Page40 2/10Chokepoints41 2/11Religion42 2/13Traditional Islam43 2/16Modern Islam44
CREATE THIS CHART Traditional Islamic Society Modern Islamic Society Role of Women: Economics: DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING HERE UNTIL IT SAYS TO
Traditional Southwest Asia – Economy 1. Based on PRIMARY activities like FISHING and FARMING 2. Stock market and debt are seen as a form of gambling Traditional market selling agricultural products
Economic Development or Traditional Values? Economics is changing… Should culture change too? LET’S TAKE A LOOK AT SOUTHWEST ASIA. ↓ ↑ Citrus Farming Shopping Malls READ ONLY
Traditional Islamic Society Modern Islamic Society Role of Women: Economics: WRITE IN THIS SECTION NOW
Traditional IslamModern Islamic Society Role of Women: Economics: Tertiary Economic Activities Clip Questions: Quaternary Economic Activites 1. 2.
Modern Economy Tertiary Activities 1. development of banks, stock markets 2. shopping malls 3. women entering the workplace as teachers, doctors, lawyers, etc. Dubai Hotel, largest in the world.
Iran Analysis – Part 2 Directions: Answer the question below on the MODERN side of your chart as your watch part 2 of the Iran Clip Clip Questions: 1. What cities does the narrator compare Tehran (Iran’s Capital city) to? 2. List examples of tertiary activities you see.
Dubai’s Media City, home to news stations, online publishing, newspapers Quaternary Activities 1. Development of information services: TV, InternetInternet 2. Secular (non-religious) Universities
Frayer Model – create this on the Modern side of your chart Definition: Examples: Where:
Modernization Modernization – increased industrialization, increased urbanization, & increased social changes. –Examples: Airports Shopping Malls Technology Systems Online business Dams Deep Wells
Westernization Definition – When a non-Western country adopts Western Ideas and traditions like culture, government, and economics. Examples – technology, diet, language, religion, entertainment, law, political system
What is the West? +
Trip to Dubai - Assignment Using the website above, create a trip to Dubai - Create it using powerpoint - Include pictures and description of events for a week long trip in Dubai
Trip to Dubai - Assignment Requirements (Slides) 1. Have a title page, with your name, title and some picture 2. You must select a hotel and include a picture and description 3. You must analyze the history of Dubai and include at least 2 bullets and one picture 4. You must include at least 5 tertiary or quaternary economic activities you plan to do on your vacation. Each activity must have a picture and a caption explaining how the activity represents modernization.