Medieval Art transforming into Renaissance Art
Medieval Art
Illuminated Manuscripts
Stained Glass, Cologne, Germany Christ Giving the Keys to Peter
Stained Glass Virgin Contemplates the Child East Harling, England
Stained Glass Sainte Chapelle, Paris France
Statues North Transept Chartres Cathedral
Statues West Door, Notre Dame
Mosaics Justinian and his court, Ravenna
Religious Paintings 2 dimensional Gold Background Not realistic Not signed by the artist for many centuries
An attempt at 3-D
Madonna and Child, Bernardo Daddi, cir. 1335
Duccio de Buoninsegne Madonna and Child Enthroned
Cimabue Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels
Simone Martini Annunciation with Saints Ansanus & Maxima
Early Renaissance Art Giotto – The First Renaissance Painter
Giotto di Bondone ( ) A bridge between Medieval and Renaissance Art The Ognissanti Madonna
Birth of Christ Scrovengi Chapel
Adoration of the Magi Scrovengi Chapel
Expulsion of the Money Changers from the Temple Scrovengi Chapel
Entry into Jerusalem Scrovengi Chapel
Kiss of Judas Scrovengi Chapel
Scrovengi (a.k.a. Arena) Chapel Padua, Italy
St. Francis Preaching to the Birds
St. Francis Renouncing his Wealth
Masaccio – Pulling it all Together
Masaccio – Story of St. Peter ( )
Tribute Money
Masaccio – Adam and Eve Brancacci Chapel