53% Survey Return Rate:
Congregation Demographics
Our Identified Strengths & Opportunities Strengths: We have a Diverse Congregation that S trengthens our Fellowship. Our Outreach Programs such as the Thrift Shop, Food Pantry, Flower Guild, and Lay Eucharist Visitors are Robust and Successful. Our Vestry Consists of Strong Leaders Whose Administrative Work Skillfully Represents the Entire Congregation. Our Lay Eucharist Visitors Support our Shut-Ins every Sunday as Well as Those Who Temporarily Cannot Attend Sunday Service. We Provide a Variety of Worship Opportunities.
Our Identified Strengths & Opportunities Opportunities: Developing a Robust and Regular Adult Bible Study. Developing a Strong and Consistent “Welcoming Newcomers” Program and Process. Strengthening Knowledge of and Participation in Renewal Movements. Supporting and Enhancing our Youth Ministry. Revamping and Improving our Sunday School.
Our Vision and Goals Vision: To Be a Beacon of Light To All Who Seek to Enhance Their Religious Journey.
Goals: What needs more attention in the Future: 1.Welcoming New Comers and Building Up the Congregation. 2.Knowledge of, and Participation in Renewal Movements. 3.Improving Communication to our Members. 4.Capturing and Utilizing our Parishioner Talents. 5.Continuing and Strengthening our Choir and Music. 6.Strengthening our Spiritual Leadership.
Our Congregation Wants To Be Described As: 1. A Worshiping Church 2. A Nurturing Church 3. A Liturgical Church