O BJECTIVES Identify behaviors of optimal mental health Name three strategies to boost self-esteem Explain the relationship between Body Image, Media, and Happiness
“W HERE THE MIND GOES, THE BODY FOLLOWS ” C HINESE P ROVERB Every time you have a thought, your brain releases chemicals. Negative thoughts produce cortisol Positive thoughts produce serotonin People feel better after taking inactive sugar pills. People who think they can learn to swim learn faster than those who think they can’t. Thoughts are very powerful
L ESSON 4 V OCAB : MENTAL HEALTH Mental Health is generally having a positive outlook, being comfortable with yourself and others, and being able to meet life’s challenges and demands.
I MPROVING Y OUR S ELF -E STEEM Decide that you want to have high self-esteem Take an inventory of your strengths and weaknesses. Select friends who will support you and encourage you to do your best When you experience defeat, avoid dwelling on it Practice good health habits Be yourself Avoid doing things just to “go along with the crowd.”
I MPROVING Y OUR S ELF -E STEEM Set goals for yourself Take some time each day to do something you really enjoy Avoid negative thinking Develop a sense of humor Do something nice for others Reward yourself when you do something well Realize that you have the power to feel good about yourself now