Review for Final To review all objectives from chapter 7-16 To review all the vocabulary words form chapter 7-13
1. What is replication? When DNA is copied Occurs in the nucleus Takes place during the synthesis phase of the cell cycle. Enzymes separate the two strands New strands are synthesized by base-pairing with the original strand
2. What is an adaptation? The process of becoming adapted to an environment, an an anatomical, physiological or behavioral change that improves a populations ability to survive.
3. Sperm- Male reproductive cell, haploid 4. Gametes – Haploid reproductive cell (Sperm or ova) 5. Ova - Female reproductive cell
5. Define Heredity The passing of genetic traits from parents to offspring
6. Phenotype: is the physical appearance of the organism in genetics. Example - freckles 7. Genotype: is the genetics make up of the organisms. Examples - FF
9. Probability – Likely hood that something will occur 10. Define Bacteriophage – A Virus that can infect bacteria Remember what Hershey and Chase did
11. Abiotic - Non-living aspects of an ecosystem. Example water, soil. 12. Biotic – Living aspects of an ecosystem 13. Succession – Replacement of community at a location, over long period of time.
14. Ecology – Study of interactions of living organisms with environment 15. Community – Organisms that interact in an ecosystem 16. Species – Group of organism that breed and produce fertile offspring
17. Ecosystem – Community of organisms and their abiotic factors. 18. Herbivores – eats only plants. 19. Omnivore – Eats plants and animals 20. Carnivores - Eats only animals, no plants
21. Define Evolution – Evolution is a change over time; a change of a characteristics of a population from one generation to the next 22. Extinction – Species that has completely died out.
23. Producer – Organisms that make organic compounds from inorganic molecules. Example plants. 24. Consumer - Organisms that consume organic compounds made by producers.
25. Nucleotide A Nucleotide is made up of a sugar, nitrogen base, and phosphate 26. Taxonomy – Science of describing, naming, and classifying organisms
27. Who is credited with discovering Genetics”? Gregor Mendel
28. What is the difference between a food chain and a food web? Food Chain - One organism from each trophic level. Food Web – All the organisms from a ecosystem.
29.Diagram the water cycle
30. Under the Linnaean system of classification, how are organisms sorted into groups? By form and Structure 31. What is the basic unit in the Linnaean system of classification? Species 32. What are the rules used in giving organisms scientific names? Two words are used. The genus and the species. The first word is capitalized and the second is lowercase both words should be italicized or underlined. Example Homo sapien or Homo sapien
33. Where did Darwin conduct much of his research? Galapagos Islands
34. What caused the beaks of Darwin’s finches to evolve? Different groups different food sources 35. Describe the idea of natural selection as witness by Darwin? The species the best traits will survive, reproduce and pass on beneficial traits to offspring.
36. How does natural selection help to drive a species to change over a long period of time? The best suited to survive in a certain place are the ones to pass on their traits and produce more offspring, who will be well suited to survive.
37. What are two examples of vestigial structures? A structure in an organism that is reduced in size and function. Associated with divergent evolution. Examples Tailbone, wisdom teeth, appendix in humans, hip bone in whales.
38. When does competition occur? When resources are limited or when more than one species needs the same resource 39. How do vestigial structures help to support the theory of evolution? They show evidence of divergence. Structures that where used by our ancestors may not longer have a use and become smaller as species evolve.
40. How are amino acid and DNA sequences used to support the idea of evolution? Species with more DNA and amino acids alike are more closely related.
41. List the difference between DNA and RNA DNA Double stranded Deoxyribose Found In Nucleus 1 type Master copy A,T,C,G RNA Single stranded Ribose Found on cytoplasm 3 types messenger, ribosomal and transfer. A,U,C,G
42. How does competition help to drive evolution? Competition arises because of limited resources such as food, shelter, suitable mates. Those with adaptations that make them more fit to survive will survive, reproduce more successfully and pass on their genes in the process.
43. Transcribe the following DNA model to mRNA and then translate to tRNA. DNA sequence A T C T G A C G A mRNA U A G A C U G C U tRNA A U C U G A C G A
44. What did Watson and Crick’s model demonstrate?
45. List the different forms of RNA also explain the function. Messenger RNA - carries instructions for making a protein from a gene on the DNA in the nucleus and delivers it to the site of translation. (mailman) Ribosomal RNA – responsible for ribosome function. (factory) Transfer RNA - single strands of RNA that temporarily carry a specific amino acid. (delivery man)
47. Complete the following diagrams of the processes of cell division in humans, also label each process Prophase II Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase I Cytokinesis Metaphase II Telophase II Anaphase II Cytokinesis II Cytokinesis I Prophase I Metaphase I Anaphase I Telophase
48. What is the difference between a codon and an anticodon? Codon - The RNA instructions are written as a series of three-nucleotide sequences on the mRNA called codons. Anticodon - a three- nucleotide sequence on a tRNA that is complementary to an mRNA codon.
During gametogenesis, how many gametes are made for each of the following? A. Oogenesis – 1 cell B. Spermatogenesis – 4 cell