Social Platforms Societally Motivated Research Platforms –SMRP:s Frida Bergman de Flores; Policy and Information Officer South Sweden European Office, Brussels Liselotte Rooke; R&D Manager SydSam, Sweden
Vision ”Europe to become by 2010 the most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based economy in the world” Challenges Member States in EU have major societal challenges FP –2013
What are SMRPs? ”SMRPs/Social Platforms are platforms where public stakeholders and researchers involve and together define research problems and take responsibility for the use of the research results”
What makes SMRPs societally innovative? Public stakeholders take the initiative and/or are strongly involved seeing and defining the need of new knowledge together with the researchers. Public stakeholders/citizens take responsability for the research results. ”What you own and are involved in –you take responsibility for” Use of research results is an integrated part of the research process and that is taken in to consideration from the start.
Seven possible criteria for European SMRPs: Criteria 1 SMRP should clarify and illustrate that they can play an active role in identifying and handling major societal challenges for Europe
Criteria 2 SMRPs should clarify and illustrate a strong commitment to openness and transparency
Criteria 3 SMRPs involve more than one Member State or region and networking is prominent
Criteria 4 SMRPs require long-term relationships, contributions and commitment form all stakeholders, particularly from public stakeholders
Criteria 5 SMRPs promote interdiciplinary research
Criteria 6 SMRPs integrate research utilisation in the research process by including citizens and policy makers
Criteria 7 SMRPs require a facilitative and collaborative leadership. Ensuring the voices from all stakeholders are heard
To sum up 1. Identifying and handling major societal challenges 2. Openness and transparency 3. More than one Member State or region. Networking is prominent. 4. Long-term contributions and commitment from all stakeholders, particular from public stakeholders 5. Interdisciplinary research 6. Integrate research utilisation in the research process by including citizens and policy-makers 7. Facilitative and collaborative leadership, ensuring voices from all stakeholders are heard
Societal challanges in Europe For example Demographic challenges such as: The ageing population Migration and integration Youth and their life-situations Challenges related to environment and sustainability
SMRP process Regional level in Sweden –South Sweden National level European level
European activities: Positionpaper SMRP -seminar in Brussels February 2006 Discussion paper Letter to European Parliament regarding amandments Dialogues with European regions, Commission, Council.
Next steps Looking for SMRP-partners in regions and member states SMRP-seminar in Brussels November 2006
Please contact: Frida Bergman de Flores; Policy and Information Officer South Sweden European Office, Brussels or Liselotte Rooke; R&D Manager SydSam, Sweden See also: