Chapter 22 and 23 Review
Name 3 problems during the Great Depression. Banks failed Unemployment rose People went into debt
Why did Herbert Hoover do almost nothing to help at the beginning of the Great Depression? He underestimated how bad the Great Depression would be.
Name 3 ways the federal government tried to help farmers in the Great Depression. Paying them to plant trees as windbreaks Paying them to reduce the amount of crops they planted Teaching them better farming techniques
What did many Mexican immigrants in Texas do during the Great Depression? They moved back to Mexico because there were no jobs in Texas. The immigration rate decreased. ¡Adiós, Texas!
What was the New Deal? Franklin Roosevelt’s plan to end the Great Depression. Franklin Roosevelt’s plan to end the Great Depression.
Who was the U.S. President in 1929 when the Great Depression began? Herbert Hoover
Who was head of the NYA (Nation Youth Administration) in Texas? Lyndon B. Johnson
The series of storms that blew away all the soil in the Texas Panhandle, causing farmers to lose their crops and farms was called - The Dust Bowl
Refusal to work as protest against the employer is called a - STRIKE!
Which President led the U.S. out of the Great Depression? Franklin D. Roosevelt
Someone who takes control of a country through force and has complete control over the government is called a - dictator
The mass murder of European Jews by the Nazis during World War II is known as the - Holocaust
The Alphabet Agencies were created by President Roosevelt’s - New Deal
LULAC works to support the rights of which group of people? Latin Americans (Mexican Americans)
What monument was built to celebrate the Texas Centennial? San Jacinto Monument
What agency provided employment to plant trees to prevent erosion? CivilianConservationCorps
What agency created construction jobs such as roads, bridges, dams, and buildings? Works Progress Administration
Which 3 countries were known as the Axis Powers in World War II? Germany Germany Japan Japan Italy Italy
Which 3 countries were allies of the United States in World War II? Britain Britain France France Soviet Union Soviet Union
What event caused the U.S. to declare war on Japan and Germany? Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
Which soldier received more medals than any other American in World War II? Audie Murphy
Who organized the WACS (Women’s Army Corps)? Oveta Culp Hobby Oveta Culp Hobby
On what city did the U.S. drop an atomic bomb, bringing an end to World War II? Hiroshima
What law helped veterans (former soldiers) by paying college tuition and giving low interest loans to buy houses and businesses? G.I Bill of Rights
The period between 1945 and 1964 when 76 million Americans were born is know as what? The Baby Boom
The system of government where the government owns all property and businesses and eliminates all religions is called - Communism
The fear that Communism would spread to the U.S. and the accusation of many innocent Americans of being Communists was known as the - Red Scare
In what war from 1950 – 1953 did the U.S. work with United Nations troops to stop the spread of Communism? Korean War
Who worked with the NAACP in Houston to end racial discrimination? Christia Adair
Which Mexican American/Texan was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor and is buried in Houston National Cemetery? Macario Garcia
Which Texas was Speaker of the House of Representatives from 1940 to 1961? Sam Rayburn “Mr. Sam”
Who was the U.S. Vice President who brought NASA to Houston? Lyndon B. Johnson
Who sued the University of Texas Law School when they would not allow him to attend because of his race? Heman Sweatt