New Literacies Group Assignment By: Alie Vallon, Briana Turner, Sabrina Reguero, Allison Pisano
Khan Academy ●Learning resource accessible to anyone ●Includes free registration and membership ●Access many subjects, including test prep, math, and science ●Includes videos, lectures, and practice problems for complete understanding ●Allows interaction between learners via comments Visit Khan Academy Here
Google Scholar Visit Google Scholar Here Visit Google Scholar Here ●Google Scholar is an online, freely accessible search engine that allows users to look up both physical and digital copies of articles. ●Google scholar searches a wide variety of sources such as academic publishers, universities and preprint depositories. ●Unlike a database, Google Scholar is not subscription- based, so anyone can use it.
SMART Boards Click here for a video on why SMART Boards are easy to useClick here for a video on why SMART Boards are easy to use ●SMART boards are interactive whiteboards designed to engage students and deliver unique presentations. ●Unlike chalkboards/whiteboards, instructors are able to present digitally using all types of softwares. ●SMART boards were introduced in ●SMART Boards can be costly and range in price. Costs can be up to $6,000.
Clickers Click here to learn more about clicker usage in the classroom Click here to learn more about clicker usage in the classroom ●Clickers are used as a student response system that engage students during class. ●Professors are able to observe student feedback to things like questions based on class material. ●Clickers can be compared to the old-fashioned method of raising one’s hand. ●Clickers cost around $30-$40.
iPads ●iPads are not free, however most education apps are free of cost ●Over 80,000 apps solely for education ●Interactive books on different school subjects ●Can customize students’ learning with their specific level and style of learning o listening to podcasts o interactive sites and apps Click Here to learn more about iPads in the classroom
D2L or Internet based education ●All assignments and class work can now be found on the internet. o Including: class notes, essay prompts, quizzes, notes from professors, and even some tests. ●All Universities are using some internet based program for students to receive and submit their assignments. o It is very rare that you hand in a hard copy of an assignment these days o This is also free to all students and eco-friendly because we are saving paper Online classes are the future of education because they are easily accessible from all over the world.