Glenvar Middle School Presentation by Paige Stinson and Ann Fajardo
To provide an opportunity for students to become capable of enriching their own lives and contributing to their community and nation through their construction and gardening skills, food production and preparation, and individual gain in health consciousness.
To expand the existing Glenvar Garden, which consisted of 4 raised bed gardens To extend the growing season of our crops
Students in Ann Fajardo’s and Mark Rohrback’s 2 nd period “Green Math” class Students in Beth Sellers’ 6 th grade science classes Juliette Myers, Principal, Glenvar Middle School Jim Bradshaw, Assistant Principal, Glenvar Middle School Brian Weeks, Construction Manager, Roanoke Co. Public Schools Mike Blankenship, Head Custodian, Glenvar Middle School
Our “Green Mentors” (Members of the Southwest Virginia chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council): Patrick Donohoe, Architect/Engineer, Virginia Tech Brenda Landes, Architect, CR Architecture + Design Barry Martin, Owner, Green Home Energy Audits of Virginia Suzanne Nicewonder, Engineer, Precision Engineering, PC Consultant: Sherri Dorn, Extension agent Parent: Kenny Anderson
Students help design and build cold frames to cover two of the existing raised beds. This will allow us to plant earlier and harvest later.
Consult with Green Mentors and extension agent to determine the best location on school grounds for our greenhouse
Consult with Green Mentors and extension agent to determine what type of greenhouse will best serve our needs and budget We decided a 24’ by 48’ hoophouse would be the best choice
Order a hoophouse kit
Prepare the site: Install water, level and grade the earth, spread 6 inches of gravel
The hoophouse kit is here! (Apr. 5)
Install ground stakes to support the hoops
The hoops go up fast!
Attach side supports for the “curtains”
Build end walls
Putting on the plastic requires team effort!
Level out gravel inside and out
Measure, cut and lay down floor fabric
Design the layout of the interior of the greenhouse Build 8 raised beds
Put raised beds in place
We just need soil and we’re ready to start planting!
Install shelving and wheelchair-accesible raised garden within the hoophouse to be completed by June 2011 Start planting! Fall 2011
Hoop house greenhouse construction is low-cost Cold-house succession planting of cold-tolerant vegetables requires no supplemental heat Raised-bed square-foot-gardening technique saves space, maximizes student involvement, reduces watering needs, and maximizes yield
Self-sustaining in the school setting as a means of teaching multi-disciplinary academic skills through practical application Sustains the development of civic capability, enabling students to connect what they learn to how they live Sustains opportunities for individual personal growth through higher-level thinking skills, cooperative learning, and problem solving with other students
School-based composting Fundraising through greenhouse production Expanding gardening effort to involve more teachers, students, and parents Establishment of GMS Garden club
Mrs. Sellers blog: Ms. Fajardo’s wiki: