Chris Boehme and Mary Praschak
Building & synthesizing protein The proteins can be used by the body as support for other functions.
Ribosomes are located in various areas, such as in the cytoplasm of a cell. Another common location for them would be the Endoplasmic Rectilium.
Ribosomes are actually made up of two subunits. The name of the larger side is called 60-s, while the name of the smaller is 40-s. Protein is formed in the Ribosome when the two sides come together through an mRNA bond.
Two ribosomal diseases are Diamond-Blackfan Anaemia (DBA), and gastric cancer. DBA is caused by a malfunction in ribosome protein RBS19. It creates a low red blood cell count. This disease is extremely rare. Gastric cancer is created due to over expression of ribosome protein LP15. This disease suppresses cell growth.
Name the two subunits of a ribosome A. 30-s, 60-s B. 40-s, 50-s C. 40-s, 60-s D. 50-s, 60-s Answer: C.
Which ribosomal protein is associated with Diamond-Blackfan Anaemia (DBA)? A. LP16 B. RBS18 C. LP15 D. RBS19 Answer: D.