Kevlar® Fiber By Justin Stroeve
What the Kevlar fiber is… Aramid fiber is an aromatic polyamide Aramid fiber is a high strength, organic, flame resistant fiber that is also flame resistant, charring at 800ºF (425ºC).
Stephanie Kwolek Is the researcher who researched the material and designed the bulletproof vest out of it.
What things Kevlar fiber can be made into… Kevlar fiber can be made into so many different things because of its very many unique characteristics. It can be made to be very rigid or very flexible. It can be made into a variety of different clothing types, boats, skis, bulletproof vests, ropes, cables…. etc.
Inprovments over the past 100yrs It is said to go back as far as the late 1800’s when Japan and Korea developed some of the first bulletproof vests!
Protection Kevlar is used extensively in the police force, security, and in the military.