Create an account
Click no, and no you most likely have not signed up or have taken the test
Use an that you will not
Create a unique ID Create a password Keep these in a place that you will refer to in the future
Once you have successfully created an ID and username, fill out demographic information
Our school code is
Now you can register
More demographic information
Information about your high school classes taken College Prep Guesstimate your GPA Top 10% of class= top quarter of class
Where do you plan to live while in college? What is your educational goal? There is no wrong answer.
What type of college are you planning to attend?
What kind of help will you need? What special programs are you interested in pursuing?
What extracurricular activities have you participated in while in high school? Which do you plan on continuing in college?
Do you plan on applying for financial aid? Do you plan on working? Full-time/ Part-time?
It is up to you.
In the following areas, have you…?
Are you interested in the following?
Where to test? Select United States
Who is registering you?
Registration Information. Make sure you check the box that you understand all the terms and conditions.
Select your Test Date
Stop Right Here Take a look at the test dates (Saturdays) Will you be available? If you are using a fee waiver and you do not show up, we cannot give you another one. (no shows will affect how many we fee waivers we are given in the future) RHS tests the ACT in October and April SAT in November and March
Test Day Checklist Report to your assigned test center by the Reporting Time (8:00 a.m.) listed on your ticket. Bring a printed copy of your ticket to the test center.ticket Bring acceptable photo identification.acceptable photo identification Testing staff will check your photo ID and ticket, admit you to your test room, direct you to a seat, and provide test materials. Bring sharpened soft lead No. 2 pencils with good erasers (no mechanical pencils or ink pens). Do not bring any other writing instruments; you will not be allowed to use them. Be ready to begin testing after all examinees present at 8:00 a.m. are checked in and seated. Please note that ACT may visit test centers to conduct enhanced test security procedures including, but not limited to, collecting images of examinees during check-in or other security activities on test day. Do not engage in any prohibited behavior at the test center. If you do, you will be dismissed and your answer document will not be scored. Note: For National and International Testing, you will be asked to sign a statement on the front cover of your test booklet agreeing to this policy.prohibited behavior at the test center YOU WILL NOT BE ADMITTED IF YOU DO NOT BRING THE FOLLOWING: PHOTO ID ADMISSION TICKET BE ON TIME!!!!!