By Diana Liwanag
Overview The problem What are biometrics? –What are the different types? Short video of a system with a fingerprinting device. Identifying the Individual –How it Works Advancing Technology Conclusion
Problem Systems today are not very well secured since they are normally based on passwords, and other “known” data. Potential Solutions: –Biometrics –Two-Factor Authentication Using both knowledge based authentication with biometrics.
What are Biometrics Definition: The use of physiological, behavioral, and morphological characteristics that can be examined and quantified. The advantages –Increases the level of security on systems –Minimizes the usage of Passwords, SSN, and other knowledge based data. The disadvantages –Costly –May fail when trying to identify an individual and falsely deny them access to a system.
What are Biometrics (cont.) Different Types: –Physical Trait Biometrics Fingerprinting Iris/Retina Scanning Hand Scanning –Behavioral Trait Biometrics Keystroke Pattern devices Signature devices Voice Recognition
Example Biometrics Video
Identifying the Individual How it works: 1.Use the right device to measure a particular trait to create a biometric. 2.Read the personal trait of the individual. 3.Feature Extraction Identify the distinctive features associated with the biometric. 4.Create the Biometric Signature. 5.Compare and Match the data against the database stored in the system.
Advancing Technology The systems are not well secured with just passwords and important personal identification numbers. –Thanks to hackers and frauds. Soon enough the cost to owning biometric devices will decrease heavily with many successful attempts and popularity.