Vaishnava Etiquette & Nectar of Devotion What is the need?
Vaishnava Etiquette What is the need? Lord Chaitanya says, observance of Vaishnava etiquette is an ornament that makes a devotee beautiful in the easy of Krsna and in the eyes of world. What is the need? Lord Chaitanya says, observance of Vaishnava etiquette is an ornament that makes a devotee beautiful in the easy of Krsna and in the eyes of world. Not only Vaishnava etiquette – but cultural behavior which makes the dealings with everyone healthy and Krsna Conscious. Not only Vaishnava etiquette – but cultural behavior which makes the dealings with everyone healthy and Krsna Conscious.
Lord Chaitanya’s words “yadyapio tumi hao jagat-pävana tomä-sparçe pavitra haya deva-muni- gaëa tathäpi bhakta-svabhäva—maryädä- rakñaëa maryädä-pälana haya sädhura bhüñaëa maryädä-laìghane loka kare upahäsa iha-loka, para-loka—dui haya näça
“My dear Sanätana, although you are the deliverer of the entire universe and although even the demigods and great saints are purified by touching you, it is the characteristic of a devotee to observe and protect the Vaiñëava etiquette. Maintenance of the Vaiñëava etiquette is the ornament of a devotee. “If one transgresses the laws of etiquette, people make fun of him, and thus he is vanquished in both this world and the next.” “My dear Sanätana, although you are the deliverer of the entire universe and although even the demigods and great saints are purified by touching you, it is the characteristic of a devotee to observe and protect the Vaiñëava etiquette. Maintenance of the Vaiñëava etiquette is the ornament of a devotee. “If one transgresses the laws of etiquette, people make fun of him, and thus he is vanquished in both this world and the next.”
Nectar of Devotion The Nectar of Devotion is a summary study of Bhakti-rasämåta-sindhu, which was written in Sanskrit by Çréla Rüpa Gosvämé Prabhupäda. The Nectar of Devotion is a summary study of Bhakti-rasämåta-sindhu, which was written in Sanskrit by Çréla Rüpa Gosvämé Prabhupäda. Bhakti means "devotional service." Bhakti means "devotional service." That force which drives everyone to work hard is called rasa, or a kind of mellow. That force which drives everyone to work hard is called rasa, or a kind of mellow. Bhakti-rasa is a mellow different from the ordinary rasa enjoyed by mundane workers. Bhakti-rasa is a mellow different from the ordinary rasa enjoyed by mundane workers.
Nectar of devotion Mundane workers labor very hard day and night in order to relish a certain kind of rasa which is understood as sense gratification. Mundane workers labor very hard day and night in order to relish a certain kind of rasa which is understood as sense gratification. Mundane rasa (sense gratification) does not long endure, and therefore mundane workers are always apt to change their position of enjoyment. E.g. businessman. Mundane rasa (sense gratification) does not long endure, and therefore mundane workers are always apt to change their position of enjoyment. E.g. businessman. This position of changing back and forth is technically known as bhoga-tyäga, which means a position of alternating sense enjoyment and renunciation. Termination of happiness with death. This position of changing back and forth is technically known as bhoga-tyäga, which means a position of alternating sense enjoyment and renunciation. Termination of happiness with death.
Nectar of devotion Bhakti-rasa, however, the mellow relished in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, does not finish with the end of life. It continues perpetually and is therefore called amåta, that which does not die but exists eternally. Bhakti-rasa, however, the mellow relished in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, does not finish with the end of life. It continues perpetually and is therefore called amåta, that which does not die but exists eternally. This every existing happiness of devotional service is like ocean. This every existing happiness of devotional service is like ocean. Nectar of devotion is complete science of Devotional Service. Nectar of devotion is complete science of Devotional Service.
The essence Simple living and high thinking. Simple living and high thinking. Many rules and regulations, many philosophical books, but basic principle is, Always remember Krsna and never forget Krsna. Many rules and regulations, many philosophical books, but basic principle is, Always remember Krsna and never forget Krsna.