The Duel for North America AND The Seven Years War (1754 to 1763)?
Clash for Empire in N. America Contest b/t England, Spain, France & Indians 4 wars b/t 1688-1763 King William’s War & Queen Anne’s War (Br v Fr) 1713, Utrect Peace: Britain gained Acadia King George’s War (Br v Sp)
North America in 1750
Outbreak of French-Indian War
The Ohio Valley- Brits and French competed for control 1754 The First Clash The Ohio Valley- Brits and French competed for control British French Fort Necessity Fort Duquesne * George Washington * Delaware & Shawnee Indians
1754 Albany Plan of Union Ben Franklin representatives from New England, NY, MD, PA Albany Congress attempt to keep Iroquois loyal to British & achieve greater colonial unity for defense ―failed
1755 Britain Decides to Eliminate French Presence in No. Amer. Gen. Edward Braddock tasked w/ evicting the French from the OH Valley & Canada Braddock: bullheaded & experienced in European warfare Attacks OH Valley, Mohawk Valley, & Acadia. Braddock killed & entire force routed by French
British-American Colonial Tensions Colonials British Methods of Fighting: Indian-style guerilla tactics. March in formation or bayonet charge. Military Organization: Col. militias served under own captains. Br. officers wanted to take charge of colonials. Military Discipline: No mil. deference or protocols observed. Drills & tough discipline. Finances: Resistance to rising taxes. Colonists should pay for their own defense. Demeanor: Casual, non-professionals. Prima Donna Br. officers with servants & tea settings.
1757 William Pitt Becomes Foreign Minister He understood colonial concerns & offered compromise: - Colonial loyalty & military cooperation--> for British reimbursement RESULTS? Colonial morale increased by 1758. Pitt decided to concentrate on the vitals of Canada (Quebec and Montreal) - Quebec falls in 1759 and Montreal in 1760
* By 1761, Spain become French ally 1758-1761 Tide Turns for England * By 1761, Spain become French ally
French & Indian War In what ways did the French and Indian War (1754-63) alter the political, economic and ideological relations between Britain and its American colonies? Read DBQ Are there any sources that are unreliable? Are there any sources with a strong point of view? Why did this author say this at this time?
Aftermath French-Indian War
1763 Treaty of Paris France --> Lost… All N. Amer holdings except a few sugar islands Most of her empire in India Spain --> Received French lands west of Mississippi Lost Florida to England England --> Received… French lands east of Mississippi & in Canada Exclusive rights to Caribbean slave trade, Commercial dominance in India.
North America in 1763
Effects of the War on Britain? 1. Increased empire in Americas 2. Enlarged England’s debt 3. Contempt & bitter feelings for American colonists grew Felt a major reorganization of American Empire was necessary
Effects of the War on the American Colonials 1. United colonists against a common enemy 2. Socializing experience colonists 3. Bitter feelings for British grew
Effects of the War along Frontier Most N. Amer fighting b/t British & French over by 1760 British occupied forts in Ohio & Great Lakes Native Americans dissatisfied – now treated as conquered people rather than allies Ended practice of gift giving; restricted trade of guns
Effects of the War along Frontier 1763 Pontiac’s Rebellion Fort Detroit British “gifts” of smallpox-infected blankets from Fort Pitt.
Pontiac’s Rebellion (1763) Perhaps noteworthy: Most Iroquois did not rebel due to standing alliance w/ British
PONTIAC BACKLASH 1.) British Proclamation Line of 1763
PONTIAC BACKLASH 2.) Colonials Paxton Boys (PA) Scots-Irish vigilante group from western PA convinced that gov was not doing enough to protect (Most Indians in PA were Christian & lived in small village enclaves interspersed amongst British settlements) Paxton boys slaughtered Native villagers & raided jail to kill more who were under protective custody
Results: Rethinking Their Empire Imperial Reforms Strengthen position of royal governors End bribery of officials w/ Revenue Act of 1762 to collect trade duties Standing Army Reduce threat of French-Canadian or Indian rebellion Secure the colonial dependence Raise taxes on colonists to pay off debt Avoided higher land taxes paid by gentry
Stage set for American independence!
Reflect on French-Indian War Docs & Effects In what ways did the French and Indian War (1754-63) alter the political, economic and ideological relations between Britain and its American colonies? Write a thesis responding to the prompt based on the documents & Chapter 6.