HW – 2 DETAILS FOR EACH TOPIC…LET’S SHARE! At the young age of 22, GW showed great leadership skills The meeting in Albany, NY was important for the success of the colonies Feelings were mixed in the 13 Colonies concerning the “Grand Council” Under General Braddock, the British had a difficult time taking Ft. Duquesne As the new leader of the British government, William Pitt had a large influence on the outcome of the French & Indian War The Battle for Quebec was a major turning point in the French & Indian War The Treaty of Paris determined which nations would control North America
HW - LISTENING ACTIVITY – 5 DETAILS FOR EACH TOPIC… LET’S SHARE! The Start of the French & Indian War England’s Success France’s Early Victories The War’s Effect on the Colonists
LET’S REVIEW LEADING UP TO THE WAR (PRE-WAR)… ____ and ____ were competing for land in North America The French built a system of ___ to keep the English from crossing onto their land Alliances with ___ ___ were formed The ___ aligned themselves with the English The ____ and ____ aligned themselves with the French
LET’S REVIEW THE TREATY OF PARIS (POST-WAR) The Treaty of Paris marked the end of French power in North America Britain gained all French lands east of the Mississippi River (not New Orleans) France kept its islands in the West Indies Spain gave up Florida to Britain since it entered the war in 1762 to help the French In return, Spain received all French land west of the Mississippi River and New Orleans
THE PROCLAMATION OF 1763 After the war, British colonists eagerly headed west to claim lands Unlike the French…these settlers clashed with Native American tribes The British made enemies with the Natives: Raised the price of goods traded to them Built farms on their land In response to clashes with the natives, the British government drew a line along the Appalachian Mts. British colonists were forbidden to settle on Indian Land
REACTION TO THE PROCLAMATION OF 1763 Imagine being a colonist… you have just fought a war for the British. You have helped defeat the mighty French for the right to more land in North America. However, you are now being told by the British government that you cannot cross the Appalachian Mts. onto Indian Land. Britain has also sent 10,000 troops to the colonies to enforce the proclamation. Plus you have to pay for these soldiers to stay in your cities! What are you reactions? How do you feel?
REACTION TO THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR Many people were affected by the French and Indian War. You will be asked to portray one of the four groups listed below. It is your job to explain YOUR reaction to the French and Indian War and the ensuing Proclamation of You must also be able to provide reasons for your reaction. You will be presenting your reaction and reasons to the class in the first person (e.g. “I am upset…”) French ReactionColonist ReactionSpanish ReactionIndian Reaction Reasons