Julington Creek NEWSLETTER News about the collective work at the Julington Creek church of Christ and updates on individuals and families. Volume 1 Issue 20December 2, 2012 A CHOICE OF MEMORIES In a sense, people are ruled by their memories. But it is also true that people can choose which of their memories are to rule them. The choice determines one’s outlook on life, and those whose outlooks always remain bright and cheerful are most careful in their choice. One can choose to remember the unpleasant things inflicted by others – the unkind words which should never have been said – the malicious acts which should not have been done. One can remember the disappointment of having been misjudged, the hurt of friendship betrayed, and all the sorrows and frustrations which are a part of every normal life. If that is the choice made, certainly one’s outlook will be bitter and cynical. One can choose to remember unwise words spoken in anger to someone loved, or thoughtless acts which hurt unnecessarily. One can remember the many things he did which he should not have done, and the many things left undone which should have been done. Remembering these things will cause an outlook of recrimination and remorse. What should one remember? Why not the kind words which others have spoken and the helpful things others have done? Why not the many ways in which one’s own success has helped someone else along the way? Why not the occasions when others have held a higher opinion than one thought he really deserved? Why not the many times friends have shown the sincerity and depth of their friendship? Why not remember the many sacrifices one made secretly to make life easier for others? One can never remember all of the good things that come to him, nor all of the good things which he himself has done; but when one chooses to remember as many of them as he can, his outlook on life will be positive and happy. He will make a good life for himself, and will help others make a good life too. I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy for you all… (Phil. 1:3-4). The apostle Paul suffered at the hands of others as much as any person I can think of. But, he learned the art of remembering and forgetting -- …forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal (3:13-14). Great advice for us all. dlf
CONTACT US Julington Creek Church Of Christ 1630 State Road 13 N. St. Johns, FL Phone: Or, Denny Website: julingtoncreekchurchofchrist.net GATHERING TIMES SUNDAY Bible Classes :30 AM Morning Worship :30 AM Evening Worship :00 PM WEDNESDAY Bible Classes :00 PM We love visitors! C. V. Alexander – Confined to home. Eddie Goff – At Westminster. Cindy Lindsey – cancer treatments. Darlene Jessup – Doctors will be scheduling her for hip replacement this month. James Taylor has taken some falls this past week. Prayers for the SICK WEDNESDAY NITE BIBLE CLASS: The Parables of Christ – Denny F. SUNDAY SERMONS: AM – The Parable of the Lost Boy Reading: Luke 15:11-24 PM – Reasons To Go To Heaven LADIES BIBLE CLASS: Thursday mornings at 10:30 at Ina Putnal’s. PowerPoint slides are available for viewing/download on church website. SUNDAY AM CLASS: Romans 8. Teacher: Steve McCain. CHILDREN’S CLASSES: Posted in the hallway. Gospel meeting – South Jacksonville church is conducting a meeting with Dee Bowman and Ed Harrell. Dec We will finish our evening service a few minutes early to allow our members to attend the 7:30 meeting tonight. Further details posted. BIBLE CLASSES: Door-To-Door Visitation Ten of us went door knocking in the area yesterday. Most people greeted us warmly and we spoke with about 125+ people in all. Pray for this work. Also, pray for Doris, a contact of Joe and Ed. I had 2 Bible studies in our community last week from people working our Bible correspondence course program. QUOTEABLES We should be more concerned with the Rock Of Ages, instead of the age of rocks