Independence in South America Native Americans rebelled against the Spanish rule in the 1700s. In the 1800s Creoles sparked a widespread drive for independence. Native Americans Revolt Tupac Amaru led the native Americans against the Spanish people. Demanded the end of brutal system for Indian labor; rejected by Spanish officials. Tupac was killed and rebels captured by large armies.
Bolivar Creole led the Latin American independence movement 1808 Napoleon occupied Spain; signal to act. 1810, led an uprising that established a republic in his native Venezuela. Bolivar’s new republic was quickly toppled by conservative forces. Twice Bolivar was forced into exile on the island of Haiti. He would march his army across the Andes and attack the Spanish at Bogotá. Bolivar had succeeded in freeing Caracas, Venezuela. Joined forces with Jose de San Martin
Jose de San Martin San Martin was a Creole born in Argentina but went to Europe for military training. 1816 Helped Argentina win freedom from Spain. Defeated Spanish and Chile before moving to Peru. Bolivar and San Martin had different views; San Martin decided to split in 1822 letting Bolivar win final victories against Spain.
Dreams and Disappointments 1824 wars of independence had ended 1824 wars of independence had ended Independence for Brazil Independence for Brazil Napoleons army conquered Portugal. Napoleons army conquered Portugal. King allowed free trade, and Brazilian merchants to trade with other nations. King allowed free trade, and Brazilian merchants to trade with other nations planned to abolish reforms which forced Dom Pedro to return to Portugal planned to abolish reforms which forced Dom Pedro to return to Portugal. Refused to leave; accepted constitution that provided freedom of press, religion, and elected legislature. Refused to leave; accepted constitution that provided freedom of press, religion, and elected legislature.