REPORT ON LEAKAGES OF QUESTION PAPERS AT TVET COLLEGES AND TURNAROUND PLAN TO PREVENT QUESTION PAPER LEAKAGES 1 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training 14 October 2015
Introduction 2 During the August 2015 examination cycle, evidence arose suggesting that the irregularities detected affected the credibility of the examinations Standard practice is for the national assessment body to block results of subjects to allow an opportunity to investigate In accordance with Quality Council prescripts, results are withheld in such instances The Quality Council will only approve the release of the affected results once the assessment body has been able to identify the scope of such irregularities
Introduction 3 Several N1-N6 subjects are repeatedly the target of such leakages and continue to leak despite several revisions made to the delivery model of question papers to ensure their safe storage prior to the writing thereof Contributing factor - NATED Report 190/1 Engineering Studies programme is a trimester-based programme (limited teaching and learning time)
Findings 4 ITEMN1-N3N4-N6 Subjects10/12 confirmed10/13 confirmed Centres69 (public and private)73 Incidents96117 Students Trends, scope and extent Limpopo and Gauteng were implicated in the highest incidence of leakages (25 and 29 respectively), while the most centres were also implicated in Gauteng (25). The number of incidents in KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga (17 and 15 incidents respectively) are also significantly higher than in other provinces. Free State and Eastern Cape were implicated in the lowest number of incidents and centres at two each. KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng were implicated in the highest incidence of leakages (31 and 45 respectively), while the most centres were implicated in Gauteng (27). The number of incidents in Limpopo (21) is also significantly higher than in other provinces. Western Cape, Eastern Cape and North-West were implicated in the lowest number of incidents and centres.
Findings 5 ITEMN1-N3N4-N6 Trends, scope and extent Leakages in 5 of the subjects affected Gauteng the worst, while the leakages in 3 subjects affected Limpopo the worst with respect to the number of centres implicated per subject per province Leakages in 3 of the N4-N6 subjects affected Gauteng province the worst with respect to the number of centres implicated per subject per province, closely followed by KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo in 1 of the same 3 subjects respectively Out of the 78 N1-N3 subjects examined during the August 2015 examinations, 10 subjects were affected by leakages and out of the candidates that wrote the 10 subjects, 555 (0.38%) are implicated Out of the 83 N4-N6 subjects examined during the August 2015 examinations, 10 subjects were affected by leakages and out of the candidates that wrote the 10 subjects, 533 (1.3%) are implicated
Turnaround Plan 6 ACTIONACTIVITIES Audit of security protocols within the examinations environment Evaluation of current standard operating procedures Monitoring and implementation of improved security protocols Costing of improved security protocols Compilation of management plan for implementation Establishment of monitoring protocol Exploration of alternative security measures for handling of question papers Computerise the setting process Outsource printing and packing to Government Printing Works (new automated system) Introduction of electronic locking and tracking mechanism on question paper parcels Implementation of compulsory security clearance for all examinations officials Announcement of requirements to officials Submission of documentation Conduct of security clearances
Conclusion 7 August 2015 Engineering Studies examinations were conducted in line with the national policy Reported leakages and suspiciously high performance reported for some centres are reason for concern (security measures and standard of invigilation) Acknowledge that one leakage is one too many Department is confident that the introduction and use of modern technology in key points in the value chain of question papers will eliminate leakages
Thank You 8