REVOLUTION IN EGYPT. Background of Husno Mubarak and Revolution After 1981, assasination president Anwar El Sadat, Husni Mubarek became head of Egypt.


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Presentation transcript:


Background of Husno Mubarak and Revolution After 1981, assasination president Anwar El Sadat, Husni Mubarek became head of Egypt. He was the longest serving president in Egypt’s history. The current Egyptian revolution began on 25th January 2011 Citizens of Egypt, complained that Husni Mubarek was allowing police brutality, state of emergency laws.

Background of Husno Mubarak and Revolution The protesters originally wanted the movement to be nonviolent consisting of demostrations and strikes but the uprising was not peaceful. The revolution included many clashes between security forces and protesters in all over the Egypt’s major cities such as Cairo, and Alexandria It is assumed that close to 850 people died and over 6000 people injured

Background of Husno Mubarak and Revolution The citizens wanted freedom, justice and non- military government that cared for it’s people. On February 11th, after weeks of protesting, Mubarak resigned from office. Ahmed Shafik, former chief of Egypt’s Air force was given the role to form the new government. After Mubarak resigned, from his position, the Supreme Council of Armed Forces was put in control of Egypt.

Background of Husno Mubarak and Revolution Egyptian Revolution has influenced protests in other Arabic countries such as Yemen, Bahrain, Libia, Syria and Jordan.

REASONS OF THE REVOLUTION Emergency Law Emergency law has existed since Police powers were extended, censorship became legal and constitional rights suspended Goverment can put citizens into prisons indefinitely and without any reason

REASONS OF THE REVOLUTION Police brutality Police brutality was common and widespread in the Egypt. Mubarek's regime always denied the existence of torture.

REASONS OF THE REVOLUTION Corruption in government elections Over last 30 years, there had been a lot of corrupted manipulations of the elections. Until 2005, Mubarek was the only candidate for presidency. There were tricks in elections and this made the citizens not to rely on elections and the party in power.

REASONS OF THE REVOLUTION Restrictions on free speech and press Their journalists had no right for free speech, they were under pressure and they were restricted. Media was under the control of government. Economical Problems Citizens complained about the lowest wages. High unemployment rate was the effective reason Moreover,there were social classes among citizens.

The revolution in Egypt was launched by the rich and the problem was not bread Poverty was not the main reason behind the uprising, the Egyptian people. The main reason for the honor and dignity trampled recovery of the revolution, spread corruption throughout the country, the wish to end oppression and persecution.

Generally, Why did people involved in revolts in Arabic countries? Especially in Egypt? The main reason for extending these demonstrations, repression and persecution by the Egyptian and Arabians of the safety and tramples the dignity. Corruption tens of years lost due to remain in power, the freedom of floating in the minority wants to win again. 31 years in Egypt, Libya, 42 years, 28 years in Tunisia, Yemen, 34 years

Is the main reason behind the protests poverty or are there any other reasons? Especially, young people who started the revolution in Egypt, were the children of rich families. An enormous group of these young people launched the revolution. But then everyone, the poor state officials richest dignity trampled by senior officials attended the oppressed themselves.

Media role in Egypt’s protest Many protestors across Egypt organized through Facebook Wael Ghonim, a marketing manager for Google played a key role. He communicated with them via a page in Facebook which is created by him. The name of that page is “We are all Khaled Sard”.

Wael Ghonim who created the Facebook page

Media role in Egypt’s protest Shortly after the first protest, Ghonim was arrested in Cairo Ghonim has became a symbol of the Egyptian movement Facebook and Twitter played different roles during the uprising Egyptian government reacted quickly by blocking social media webpages and mobile phone networks However, this act censorship was unsuccesful.

Media role in Egypt’s protest Ghonim communicated with people about being group, to broadcast what’s the act of goverment,to protest etc. There were millions of people in 28 January day of rage.

Domino theory Events in Tunusia spreaded to other middle east countries by Domino effect. Bin Ali regime was collapsed after 23 years in Tunusia. Mubarak regime was collapsed after 32 years in Egypt.

How Domino Theory Affected Middle East Countries ? According to the authorities, next dominos Stones might be Jordan, Sudan, Yemen, Algeria and Syria. Presidents have to make reforms or they do nothing and their regimes will be collapsed as the regimes of Tunusia and Egypt.

TIMELINE OF THE 2011 EGYPTIAN REVOLUTION 25 January 2011: The "Day of Revolt" The people of egypt protested against the regime. 3 people from protesters and one policeman died. 26 January 2011: "Shutting down The Internet and Mobile Services" The accessing to Facebook, Twitter and Blackberry Messenger were obstructed for people in that day.

TIMELINE OF THE 2011 EGYPTIAN REVOLUTION 28 January 2011: The "Friday of Anger" People who were using the internet and cell phones sent information to the other people about the meeting place after Friday praying.

TIMELINE OF THE 2011 EGYPTIAN REVOLUTION 29 january : People who are against Mubarak met in the Tahrir square. The president Hüsnü Mubarak resigned, and Ömer Süleyman became president. 30 january : The protesters spent their time in Tahrir square and Turkey declared that "we will send a plane to take their own people from there."

TIMELINE OF THE 2011 EGYPTIAN REVOLUTION 3 February : The police forces used guns to stop the protesters, and at least 5 people lost their lives. 4 February : Hundreds of thousands protesters met in Tahrir square, and they said that today is the day to say farewell to Mübarek. 5 February : United Nations said that at least 300 people died, however, Ministry of Health in Egypt denied 300 and changed this number into 11.

TIMELINE OF THE 2011 EGYPTIAN REVOLUTION 6 February : The banks provided service for a short time and the reporter of El Cezire was released after seven-hours captivity. 7 February : Thousands people said that we will not leave Tahrir square, and education had to be stopped. Government accepted to give %15 extra salary. 8 February : Tahrir square became a camp place for protesters.

TIMELINE OF THE 2011 EGYPTIAN REVOLUTION 9 February : The labor unions joined to the protesters. 34 politicians were released. 10 February : Mübarek said that I am here until september. So, thousands of people objected that situation, and they tried to affect army with their idea.

TIMELINE OF THE 2011 EGYPTIAN REVOLUTION 11 February 2011: The "Friday of Departure": Süleyman announced that Mübarek gave up his position, he added that Mübarek assigned all his power to the army. By the way, Mübarek left Cairo. 12 February : "The army who took the power over" announced that we are on some regional and international agreements. 13 February : Army explained that we will manage the country, and provide the abrogation of majlis.

TIMELINE OF THE 2011 EGYPTIAN REVOLUTION 14 February : The army sent the protesters away from Tahrir square to provide peace and stability. After that military council wanted that protests must end and we have to get our normal life back.

Relationships between America and Egypt Events in Egypt were not civil revolutions, they were civil movements Somebody claims that revolution was not the USA’s plan. The first evidence that when events started with Egypt’s chief commander was at the USA and USA didn’t interfere with. The other approach says that events in Egypt were directly related to America's weakening.

Relationships between America and Egypt USA couldn’t make real the Great Middle East Plan The most important evidence about USA didn’t plan this revolution is USA’s line during the events USA didn’t plan revolution, it tried to take place at this process. According to BBC ; USA was trying to change revolution as an evolution in Egypt

Relationships between America and Egypt At the end of the bargainings, Muhammad El Bradai became the leader of opposition party and Omar Sulayman became the vice- president of Mubarak. Also Israel supported Mubarak because Mubarak had supported Israel about Palestinian subject.