Use Note Tags and Search to keep track of your notes Search for untagged notes Did you forget to tag a note you made of something important, and now you can’t find it? No problem, there are two powerful search options in OneNote: the Page List task pane and the Search box. You can search for particular words or phrases, as well as by date, section, or title. Don’t worry; you’ll be able to find that important note again.
Use Note Tags and Search to keep track of your notes The Page List task pane If you’re searching for a specific page of notes, use the Page List task pane, where your pages are listed by title, showing the section name and the date of each page. The section, the page title, and date are listed. You can sort the list by section, title, or date. Sort the list in ascending or descending alphabetical order. On the View menu, click Pages Sorted By Date. Then:
Use Note Tags and Search to keep track of your notes The Page List task pane If you’re searching for a specific page of notes, use the Page List task pane, where your pages are listed by title, showing the section name and the date of each page. Choose which areas to include in the list: this section, this section group, this notebook, or all notebooks. On the View menu, click Pages Sorted By Date. Then: You can see a Help topic for some more search tips.
Use Note Tags and Search to keep track of your notes Search Looking for a phrase in your notes, or looking for a note that contains a certain word? At the top of the page, locate the Search box. Type the text you’re looking for, then click the magnifying glass. In this case, two references have been found and the pages with the text have been highlighted.