Key Words for Your Topic You will need to find information on your country from a book. The index is usually the easiest way to see if your book has the information you need (that way you can read a few pages without having to read the whole thing). Key words can help you to find pages that may be helpful. It’s best to come up with at least two other words you can search for, for each category of information. Click on the words in bold to see why they are possible key words. Land Work For the word People, click on the group of two words that would be appropriate key words. Mountains Mountains can be found on the land. Islands Islands are pieces of land on the water. Labor Labor is another word for work. Jobs Jobs are types of work. Population & Marriage Yes. Population is how many people there are and marriage is between people. Government and Livestock No. Government is about laws and livestock is about animals.
Using the Index Using what you know about keywords, use the index at the right to find the pages where you could go to find information on food in the country of Sri Lanka. Index Exports, 10, 18, 27, 29 Fertilizers, 54, 60 Floods & droughts, Forests, Fruits, 13, 18, 39, 51, 55 Government, 14, 55, 58, Health, 31, 44-45, 63 Click on the letter with the correct set of page numbers for food.. A: 54, 60 Incorrect! The information on these pages is about fertilizer which you definitely should not eat. B: Incorrect! These pages provide information on too much or not enough water—not food. C: 13, 18, 39, 51, 55 Correct! These pages contain information on fruits which are foods.
Locating Information For the country you have chosen to do your report on: Type in a topic you want to research and three keywords you can use in your search After looking in the index, write down a keyword you found and the page numbers listed for it where you can go to find information. Keyword: Page numbers:
Locating Information Continued Go to those page numbers in the book and write down three important facts for each page (do at least two pages). Page #: Fact 1 Fact 2 Fact 3 Page # Fact 1 Fact 2 Fact 3