Unit 1: Religion, Violence, Terrorism and War Our Learning Journey… Christian attitudes towards war and violence The Just War TheoryReasons for WarPacifism Terrorism and the use of violence The use of nuclear weaponsPeace making, forgiveness and reconciliation Religious responses to victims of war Is war ever acceptable?
Some of our Big Questions… Can it ever be right to use violence and fear to reach a political objective? Should Britain update its nuclear weapons? Can war ever be justified? Will there ever be peace? Should all Christians be pacifists? Is violence ever the answer? What does Christianity teach about war and violence?
Christian Quotes on War and Violence Learning Objective: To investigate Christian quotes on war and violence. I can explore 6 Christian quotes on war and violence I can explain the meaning of these quotes I can evaluate whether these quotes agree or disagree with war and violence
What does the Bible say about war and violence? In this lesson you are going to explore what the Bible teaches about war and the use of violence. What do you think you are going to find out? A = The Bible teaches that war and violence are always wrong, whatever the circumstances. B = The Bible teaches that war and violence are acceptable if you have a good enough reason. C = The Bible contains teachings that both support and are against violence.
Quotes In the exam you will need to support your arguments with Christian quotes. During this lesson you are going to find out about 6 quotes from the Bible relating to war and violence. Marketplace: Each group is going to be responsible for researching one quote. You will need to: Explain the context of the quote Explain the meaning of the quote Explain whether it is for or against war/violence You will then be responsible for teaching the other groups about your quote.
Remember Remember! Each quote/example has a picture to match it. Remember the quote that goes with each picture. ‘An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.’ ‘Thou shall not kill.’ ‘Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God.’ Jesus cleanses the temple ‘Beat the cutting blade of your ploughs into swords and your pruning hooks into spears’ ‘If someone slaps you on the right cheek, turn the other cheek also’
Remember Remember! Each quote/example has a picture to match it. Remember the quote that goes with each picture. ‘An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.’ ‘Thou shall not kill.’ ‘Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God.’ Jesus cleanses the temple ‘Beat the cutting blade of your ploughs into swords and your pruning hooks into spears’ ‘If someone slaps you on the right cheek, turn the other cheek also’
Were you right? What have you found out? Which option do you think was the most accurate? A = The Bible teaches that war and violence are always wrong, whatever the circumstances. B = The Bible teaches that war and violence are acceptable if you have a good enough reason. C = The Bible contains teachings that both support and are against violence.
Christian Attitudes towards War and Violence Learning Objective: To understand Christian attitudes towards war and violence. I can explore 6 Christian quotes on war and violence I can explain the meaning of these quotes I can evaluate whether Christians agree or disagree with war and violence