Global Hybrid Control and Cooperative Mobile Robotics Yi Guo Center for Engineering Science Advanced Research Computer Science and Mathematics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Global Hybrid Control Global control is a further development of modern control towards the capability to handle complex systems. Modern control: –Robust control; –Adaptive control; –Nonlinear control; –Fuzzy control. Capability: a high-level version of distributed adaptive optimal control which ''swarms'' around the complex system attacking problems as they arise, but keeping a meta-view so that other problems are not ignored while attending to a particular one. Large power system applications.
Cooperative and Autonomous Mobile Robotics Extend human capabilities: –Perform tasks faster –Perform tasks more safely –Perform tasks more economically –Extend reach to new tasks, e.g.: Tasks that are distributed: –Spatially –Temporally –Functionally Tasks that are “out of reach” of humans –Military: Denied areas –Space: Planetary exploration –DOE: Hazardous waste sites Real world applications.
Multi-Robot Motion Planning Challenging problem: computationally expensive, NP hard. Uncertainties in robot models and environment robust solutions. Distributed and optimal/sub-optimal algorithms. Outdoor rough terrain environment, and real time re-planning capability.