ALTA HIGH SCHOOL PLAN College & Career Ready (CCR)
Graduation Requirements 27 Total Credits 27 Total Credits 4Language Arts 3 Social Studies 3Science 3 Mathematics 2 Healthy Lifestyles 1.5Fine Arts 1 Career Tech. Ed.(CTE) 0.5Computer Tech. 0.5Financial Literacy 8.5 Elective Coursework
Standard diploma requirements Plus two years of a world language (8-12 grades) Complete Math (through Secondary III) Two of the 3 sciences must be lab-based (Biology, Chemistry, or Physics) Advanced Diploma Honors Diploma Honors Diploma Same requirements as the Advanced Diploma Plus: ACT scores that meet all 4 ACT College Readiness benchmarks English: 18 Reading: 22 Mathematics: 22 Science: 23
Make-Up Credit Options Alta Packet Program Alta GradPoint Canyons Virtual High School Electronic High School (EHS) Private Accredited Learning Centers (be sure to clear with your counselor)
Options After High School College Technical Education On-the-Job Training Military Others…
Let’s Focus On College Remember...decision making is a PROCESS, not an event! Source: ACT College Planning Guide
In-State Schools
Technical Schools Utah College of Applied Technology Several campuses across the state Associate degrees and long/short-term certificate programs Open enrollment program
Out-of-State Schools Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) If you are interested in applying, contact them soon. They may have an earlier deadline than Utah schools.
Choosing a College Utah Futures - Alta’s College & Universities Day: October 22, 2015 College Fair – September 26 th 1-3:30 Corner Canyon High School Consider out-of-state institutions. Contact them early. College Rep visits to Alta Campus Visits Make comparisons based on costs, location, setting, housing, etc.
Apply to more than one college
Admissions Procedures Complete the application (Internet) Request transcripts 3 weeks prior to deadline Letters of recommendation when necessary Confirm all materials have been received, including fees prior to deadlines Check specific college requirements
Priority Deadline December 1 st 2015 Applying by priority deadline = automatic consideration for merit scholarships. December 1 – U of U, USU, BYU, SUU February 1 – UVU Check the website for WSU, SLCC, LDSBC, Snow College, Dixie State University, Westminster
College Application Week November November All seniors will apply to at least one college or university All seniors will apply to at least one college or university Research before this week to decide where you want to apply Research before this week to decide where you want to apply
Financial Aid & Scholarships “You Can Pay for College” Events: paying-for-college-night-events/ paying-for-college-night-events/ Alta’s Scholarship site & Twitter box.comwww.scholar- FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid ) Regents Scholarship New Century Scholarship
Deferment Deferment means applying for college now and attending later Submit college and scholarship applications by priority deadlines Apply for deferment Contact each institution to find out their specific policies
ACT Test Dates TEST DATE October 24 th December 12 th February 6 thDEADLINE October 2 nd (late fee) November 6 th January 8 th
ACT Testing Preparation Classes Register online University of Utah Prep Course 11/3 – 12/8 every Tuesday at Cottonwood High School ACT Website SAT Website Utah Futures Shmoop -
SAT Test SAT Test If considering an out-of-state school, take the SAT Register online Jordan High School offers the test on November 7, December 5, etc.
Twitter Fast Follow Pull out your cell phone! Get scholarship updates, admission deadline reminders, important graduation information, and other fun facts. Text “Follow AltaCounseling” to Now put your phone away Now put your phone away
Parents & Students Keep track of credit status Skyward Student (mid-term grade reports, attendance) Report cards in November, January, April and June Attend Parent/Teacher conferences September 29 & 30 February 24 & 25 Make sure incomplete (I) and (NG) grades are made up each quarter
Recognition Cords & Hawk Medallion Recognition Cords & Hawk Medallion Various Recognition Cords for Achievement at Alta! Visit our website in the spring for details See Counselor for Hawk Medallion Application
Your graduation will be in jeopardy if you have not completed make-up credits, cleared NG’s, or have F’s or I’s in a required course!
Make an appointment to meet with your counselor for: College and scholarship questions Graduation requirements Personal concerns
Ultimately…it’s your responsibility to graduate!
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” Nelson Mandela