Article 28(2) USD Introduction
The Problem Fraud and Misuse scale Evolving risks Impact on end users –Direct financial impact –Direct inconvenience Indirect costs Operators (access,termination, transit) confirm to be regularly affected by fraud / misuse
Process followed Previous BEREC work Information gathering on scope and scale (operators) Information gathering on implementation of article 28(2) -NRA Consultation with operators –Need for harmonisation vs. operators’ own procedures –Scope of fraud/ misuse –Thresholds –Simplicity and details of the process –Impact on operators –Short timescale for payments Participation of EC
Challenges Article 28(2) USD implementation across EU –Dealing with a global issue –Develop effective institutional cooperation at EU level Protect end users Intervention has to be rapid Minimise distortion of incentives Avoid economic gain Respecting national subsidiarity Encourage support from industry Regulatory intervention vs. contractual provisions
Article 28(2) USD 1. Member States shall ensure that, where technically and economically feasible, and except where a called subscriber has chosen for commercial reasons to limit access by calling parties located in specific geographical areas, relevant national authorities take all necessary steps to ensure that end-users are able to: a.access and use services using non-geographic numbers within the Community; and b.access all numbers provided in the Community, regardless of the technology and devices used by the operator, including those in the national numbering plans of Member States, those from the ETNS and Universal International Freephone Numbers (UIFN). 2. Member States shall ensure that the relevant authorities are able to require undertakings providing public communications networks and/or publicly available electronic communications services to block, on a case-by-case basis, access to numbers or services where this is justified by reasons of fraud or misuse and to require that in such cases providers of electronic communications services withhold relevant interconnection or other service revenues. Implementation in Member States by May 2011
Article 28(2) Process aims General aspects Cross-border situations Reinforced institutional cooperation and coordination Guidance and consistency at EU level Independent NRAs role NRAs experience at national level on interconnection issues Focused on end-users Crucial role of operators
Article 28(2) Process aims General aspects Workable process Focus: end-users, avoiding perpetrators’ benefits (disrupting money flows) Common understanding, timelines and information exchanged Timely action by NRAs in originating, transit and terminating countries (as applicable) Regulatory intervention vs. contractual management Operators encouraged to bring forward contractual amendments and increase use of detection
Article 28(2) Process aims Scope of frauds / misuse covered Non-exhaustive list Includes widespread practices including: Short-stopping AIT (e.g. PBX hacking, identity theft) Wangiri Roaming situations covered VAS
Article 28(2) Process aims Relevant authorities Implementation pursuant to national law Independent NRAs Judicial bodies Consumer protection bodies Independent NRAs as first contact point (internal coordination) Institutional exchange of information not available to third parties
Article 28(2) Process aims Measures that can be adopted Case-by-case analysis Principle of proportionality Blocking access to numbers and/or Withholding of payments No retrospective nature of withholding as general rule Payment periods (1 month timeframe) Compulsory nature of measures taken by relevant authorities Operators’ incentives to increase security measures Promotion for use outside EU
The BEREC Process Aims to achieve –Cooperative approach –Better and faster communications –Common understanding approach definitions Interface to national processes –Single points of contact –Accommodating national circumstances –National processes to align with BEREC process
Example of process in action PBX Hacking –Short stopping of numbers –Calls going beyond EU borders Inbound nuisance calls Roaming mobiles
Example of process in action (Irish experience) PBX Hacking –Short stopping of numbers –Calls going beyond EU borders Inbound nuisance calls Roaming mobiles
Contacts BEREC to maintain a list of contacts –NRAs –Other relevant national authorities –European Commission –Other law enforcement agencies
Reports BEREC to maintain a record of incidents –Template for reports –Reports to be made by originating NRA –Reports to be confidential vis-à-vis third parties –Review of cases to be held to assess process effectiveness